Hot Toys - MMS130 - Predators: Berserker Predator (Full Spec & Pics)

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@ a-dev:

laptop still doesn't want to turn on?

You'll need to fix your Windows' installation. You get the error because your registry got corrupted. You'll need the copy of the Windows installation disk for that. DON'T REFORMAT. Or not just yet, anyway.

I'll have to get my brother to do it, I don't know tech stuff (kyle reese). But can that be done when the computer won't go past this blank black screen. I turn it on, theres a brief Dell loading bar that flashes up and then straight into this black screen. It goes no further and no key pressing has any effect.
Tell her your other girlfriend sat on it accidentally :rotfl. You need to boot into Safe Mode and run Microsoft Security Essentials it should find and kill the virus. There are several other programs that are free you can download and if not remove automatically then it will identify what the threat is and you can remove it manually...good luck :).

What the hell do I do? Thats my girlfriends laptop!

When I went to the link it ultimately didn't load but during the attempt some java loading message came up. I thought nothing of it and just closed the page. I'm sure I then went back to browsing SSF for a while. Then Microsoft security essentials popped up, I think it said 2 threats detected but I didn't get to read it properly before I got the bluescreen of death.
dirty tactics. dirty website. dirty harry..."go ahead, make my day":rotfl

Hot Toys: go to our website and post your complaints.:gah:
I'll have to get my brother to do it, I don't know tech stuff (kyle reese). But can that be done when the computer won't go past this blank black screen. I turn it on, theres a brief Dell loading bar that flashes up and then straight into this black screen. It goes no further and no key pressing has any effect.

Yups, but your laptop has to be set in a way that it loads from your optical media drive first. If not, then you have to tweak the bios. Here's how to do it:

Start up your computer. You'll see Dell's logo first. Look at the upper right part of the screen. It will show you what Key to press to get to the BIOS settings. If I recall correctly, it's Del or F2 (I use Dell as well :) ). If not, just follow the key for Setup.

Once you're inside the BIOS setting, look for the BOOT SEQUENCE in your BIOS. Highlight it and press ENTER.

You can change the boot sequence from there. Be sure to put your optical drive as the first in the sequence. Save the settings and then insert the installation disc. Restart and then your computer will automatically boot the installation. Make sure you choose repair and not install :)
I googled how to boot in safe mode. Turns out I had to repeatedly tap f12. Nothing came up saying 'safe mode' but Diagnostics sounded like a good thing to run :dunno so I'm doing that now. I bet it has nothing whatsoever to do with what I need to be doing.

edit- oh now I see your post Iampoch. Well I'll let it finish doing what its doing now and then try that.

I've found a reinstallation cd - Microsoft Windows XP professional service pack 2? Is that the one?
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Woo, the whole picture has became so much clear to me….initially i was a wondered the body size of Berserker was made with such scale compares to their earlier release. Now, (my conspiracy theory) HT could basically

a) reuse this new body mold with Predators 2 (sequel)
b) Applies this new price tag or more with their future releases in which have very little accessories.
c) no one should complaining the size difference as they’re all pretty much made in ~14” for whatever the size in movie.
d) do whatever alternation they wish coz “ final product would be slight different”…..

Considered Mr. Black would be the best selling figure among the Predators (with the $ HT paid for the license), i am not surprise they re-adjust certain aspect to regain the profit margins………….

Btw, just notices that Berserker should comes with a spear as i recalled one of the guy got killed by 3 spears and sure these new Predators should carry them while hunting.:gah:

Last but not least, I’m not saying Berserker is a poor figure, but just disappointed and gets mislead by their advertisement.
I googled how to boot in safe mode. Turns out I had to repeatedly tap f12. Nothing came up saying 'safe mode' but Diagnostics sounded like a good thing to run :dunno so I'm doing that now. I bet it has nothing whatsoever to do with what I need to be doing.

edit- oh now I see your post Iampoch. Well I'll let it finish doing what its doing now and then try that.

I've found a reinstallation cd - Microsoft Windows XP professional service pack 2? Is that the one?

Yup! that's the one :) You'll be doing a repair install :) here's a good guide:

Follow it, especially take not of the warnings :D And like the guide says: DO NOT use the Recovery Console. I use that sometimes and it's a friggin' pain in the arse to work with unless you're very comfortable with the command line. I use this mode as a second-to-the-last resort (the last resort being REFORMAT), and it usually works for me. :)

Woo, the whole picture has became so much clear to me….initially i was a wondered the body size of Berserker was made with such scale compares to their earlier release. Now, (my conspiracy theory) HT could basically

a) reuse this new body mold with Predators 2 (sequel)
b) Applies this new price tag or more with their future releases in which have very little accessories.
c) no one should complaining the size difference as they’re all pretty much made in ~14” for whatever the size in movie.
d) do whatever alternation they wish coz “ final product would be slight different”…..

Considered Mr. Black would be the best selling figure among the Predators (with the $ HT paid for the license), i am not surprise they re-adjust certain aspect to regain the profit margins………….

Btw, just notices that Berserker should comes with a spear as i recalled one of the guy got killed by 3 spears and sure these new Predators should carry them while hunting.:gah:

Last but not least, I’m not saying Berserker is a poor figure, but just disappointed and gets mislead by their advertisement.

Good point about the spear. The African guy was the one who got killed by it. We don't know who threw it, though, but it wouldn't have hurt if HT gave all three of the Preds spears. Especially since they're giving us much less for their asking price.
Yup! that's the one :) You'll be doing a repair install :) here's a good guide:

Follow it, especially take not of the warnings :D And like the guide says: DO NOT use the Recovery Console. I use that sometimes and it's a friggin' pain in the arse to work with unless you're very comfortable with the command line. I use this mode as a second-to-the-last resort (the last resort being REFORMAT), and it usually works for me. :)

Good point about the spear. The African guy was the one who got killed by it. We don't know who threw it, though, but it wouldn't have hurt if HT gave all three of the Preds spears. Especially since they're giving us much less for their asking price.

Did those spears not pop out of the grond like some sort of trap?? ..i thought they did ..don't remember the pred throwing a spear/spears:dunno
I think I'll leave it to the brother to do! I'm just relieved that it seems like it can be fixed. I was using my g/fs laptop because my own one died, as in properly died. I burnt it out by using it on my bed and blocking the vents and fans thereby earning myself a laptop-user Darwin award. Years of photographs, videos, porn - gone! I'm hoping the hard drive isn't fried on that with whatever other vital components got destroyed.

Thanks for the help.

But seriously why hasn't there been more warning about the HT website? Or has there and we somehow missed it?
Did those spears not pop out of the grond like some sort of trap?? ..i thought they did ..don't remember the pred throwing a spear/spears:dunno

Hmm, good point. Have to watch the movie again to make sure. I thought it was thrown, but yeah, it may have been a pop-up.
I think I'll leave it to the brother to do! I'm just relieved that it seems like it can be fixed. I was using my g/fs laptop because my own one died, as in properly died. I burnt it out by using it on my bed and blocking the vents and fans thereby earning myself a laptop-user Darwin award. Years of photographs, videos, porn - gone! I'm hoping the hard drive isn't fried on that with whatever other vital components got destroyed.

Thanks for the help.

But seriously why hasn't there been more warning about the HT website? Or has there and we somehow missed it?

NP :)

Well I did encounter that not too long before. The last time I tried to access it, the warning signs were gone so I thought they already fixed it. Apparently the didn't :( I'll need to do a clean-up later just to be sure.
Hmm, good point. Have to watch the movie again to make sure. I thought it was thrown, but yeah, it may have been a pop-up.
Yeah I think it was a some kind of spring track or similar to it. It even looked like it had the predator cloaking device made into it.
Ugh as miffied as I am about the overall accuracy of the proportions of the bio/head aswell as the headsculpt itself, and the asking price for said figure, like the pathetic weak moraled sheep that I am, I think I'm still gonna pick this up if only so I can say I have an HT Pred. Plus the likelyness of this increasing in value over time is a bonus also. Eh who knows though, my opinion is constantly changing on this figure. I'll probably decide not to get this in 20 mins. God I feel like a woman who can't make up her mind on whether she should wear heels or not.
sideshow's gonna be all over this for an "exclusive".

ka-ching, sez the cash register.:lol

nope, SS already posted it without an Ex, so there will be no Ex for this figure.

Ugh as miffied as I am about the overall accuracy of the proportions of the bio/head aswell as the headsculpt itself, and the asking price for said figure, like the pathetic weak moraled sheep that I am, I think I'm still gonna pick this up if only so I can say I have an HT Pred. Plus the likelyness of this increasing in value over time is a bonus also. Eh who knows though, my opinion is constantly changing on this figure. I'll probably decide not to get this in 20 mins. God I feel like a woman who can't make up her mind on whether she should wear heels or not.

just think is there a better Berserker to be had for the money? Narin will make a very accurate statue in 1/6 scale, but to have it finished will end up being 4X what this figure costs, and the SS maquette might be more accurate, but i doubt the paint app will look as good, and its a $100 more than this fig.