Hot Toys - MMS130 - Predators: Berserker Predator (Full Spec & Pics)

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How will you throw North America on top of us if were already picked up?!

I will smash you down and then land us on top. :exactly:

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Yea for some reason the Canadians with Eric are quicker than CS, AE, VP, etc.... :mad:


back to berserker ....i hate that the feet dont move though that kind of sucks moving the feet is really important.:monkey2 oh well that would be the one thing i wish they would fix if hes not coming out till february.
Well, good news for customizers is this guy can still be taken apart. Maybe not the body, but the armor for sure. And even the neck post.

i guess i spoke too soon. they managed to part it out after all.
question is which head will sit on that body for a bash? looks like a new system. haha
If all the armor can be taken apart I can the parts in metal, including the helmet. Copper with some aging should look close to the color.
I think the next most likely human would be Lawrence Fishburne, because he would have the Predator mask and fancy ray gun (and would make for Matrix kit-bash material that would move some sets). Sure, he didn't play as significant a role in that movie as Woman, but what does Hot Toys care about that?

Would he come with pregnant beer belly as well?
I think there is about a .05% chance of Hot Toys "tweaking" this by giving him a new body. That goes way beyond any definition of tweaking that I know of. It is creating a completely new figure. Maybe a slightly different head sculpt or bio. But the costs involved in manufacturing a new body would have to be ridiculously high.

It wouldn't be to hard to make the body taller. I'm not to sure what goes on in the moldig/casting process but I do know it's possible to cast somthing bigger and smaller using the same mold ( or so l've been told). Anywho I'm not holding mybreath for any changes or tweaks really.