Hot Toys - MMS130 - Predators: Berserker Predator (Full Spec & Pics)

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Maybe this isn't the case, but judging by your posts you like HT so much that you force yourself to like the things they've put out. Sorry if I'm wrong, but stop worshipping Hot Toys and focus your attention on the individual products they put out. A crappy figure is a crappy figure, regardless of who made it. Not saying Berserker is crappy at all; he's actually kick-ass. I'm using a generic example of course.

Even if you're an avid collector of their's, if you see something you want changed, don't hesitate to say it. Once again, they already changed the helmet and the mandibles on Berserker. Improvements can be made, as the thing won't be available until Q4 2010.

Just to be clear though, I preordered this badboy even before these new changes were made, back when he had brown armor. Loved him then, still do now.

It's most certainly is not the case. I don't think Hot toys is beyond criticism.

I'll just wait till I see the final product before I start expressing detailed opinions.
It's most certainly is not the case. I don't think Hot toys is beyond criticism.

I'll just wait till I see the final product before I start expressing detailed opinions based on prototypes.

OK but again what use is your opinion then? Why not express it now while there is time for change if change needs to be made. Whether Hot Toys reacts to opinions they read here or elsewhere doesn't matter as long as they do listen to their customers...and they do most of the time.

Think of the T4 Marcus Wright figure - a proto was shown and everyone said "well its a competent sculpt but it doesn't look like Sam worthington". Hot Toys redid the sculpt and we got one that looked like Sam Worthington. Now maybe HT didn't need to be told, maybe they knew it themselves but the confirmation from their customers must have helped in some way get that headsculpt changed.
Are you arguing that they do come to this forum to know what we think?

This is a discussion forum and I'm discussing my thoughts and oppinions.

If YOU don't like it, don't read what i have to say.

I think Beserker will be just fine.

You're arguing against it.

So...what's your point?
OK but again what use is your opinion then? Why not express it now while there is time for change if change needs to be made. Whether Hot Toys reacts to opinions they read here or elsewhere doesn't matter as long as they do listen to their customers...and they do most of the time.


If there's even a slight issue, I'd express it. Not gonna sit quietly and merely hope or expect that they somehow get the impulse to fix it by themselves. Most of us have already PO'd this guy and he's the most expensive (primary market) HT Pred to date!
Whining..or expressing dissatisfaction in a product is really win win for the collector. what do we lose if people complain about a piece?...nothing. (maybe some sanity but who cares right?) what do we gain if people complain?..a potentially better product.

I'm not advocating _____ing or complaining, but if done correctly and maturely it does some good.
Whining..or expressing dissatisfaction in a product is really win win for the collector. what do we lose if people complain about a piece?...nothing. (maybe some sanity but who cares right?) what do we gain if people complain?..a potentially better product.

I'm not advocating _____ing or complaining, but if done correctly and maturely it does some good.

OK but again what use is your opinion then? Why not express it now while there is time for change if change needs to be made. Whether Hot Toys reacts to opinions they read here or elsewhere doesn't matter as long as they do listen to their customers...and they do most of the time.

Who knows? The molds are made and the figure is probably already in production by the time we see the prototype photos of it.

I don't think nitpicking a prototype makes any difference at all, it's just fun for some.

If they wanted our opinions they would ask for them. They do on Facebook sometimes.
Hey personally I don't even have a problem with this figure! I haven't seen the film to be able to see issues with it and have no particular affection for this predator as yet to care if any changes are made. I'm simply chiming in on people's right to comment on figures at early stages and not only that but the good logic of doing so.

Furthermore I think criticisms are the opinions and posts most worth reading, either to agree with them or to counter them.
If they wanted our opinions they would ask for them. They do on Facebook sometimes.

I think someone already said it but thats surely exactly what the showing of prototypes is or else why not just announce it and show the figure when its already been massproduced and ready to ship?

As for their Facebook page, good, I'm glad it exists. Surely they read that! And I'm sure the same kinds of people post there that post on here.
I haven't got a problem with it either! I'm just glad we are getting another cool pred for our collections.

I guess I have more faith that the figure will look better than the prototype. That's usually the case with these figures.
Who knows? The molds are made and the figure is probably already in production by the time we see the prototype photos of it.

I don't think nitpicking a prototype makes any difference at all, it's just fun for some.

If they wanted our opinions they would ask for them. They do on Facebook sometimes.

Not nessissarily. The Hot Toys Albert Wesker for months up untill he shipped was shown with standard glowing red eyes but when the actuall figure shipped, he suprizingly had more accurate red/yellow cat like eyes like in the game. If the final figure was allready in production by the time the protos were shown, why not just show the final, more accurate product at the cons and fairs?
It will undoubtedly look better than the prototype. In fact it already does! :hi5: I'm just as psyched as anyone and quite frankly, I also liked their original job with the brown helmet and fogged lenses.

I guess the general point we're making is that if there's a time for criticism, it's here. The prototype is like a rough draft. It's where you fix what you need to so you can get started on the final product. I agree with you that it's fairer to judge a figure once it's completely finished -- and that's true. But by then, it will be too late. All we're trying to say. The prototype is intended for this very purpose. We're just doing the editing needed so that the final will look as good as possible :).
People can we stop bickering and get back to the Figure...

I was looking at the breakdown on the sculptors blog, and it looks like the jaw bone is detachable from the mask, do you think it will stay like this on the production pieces?
Might've been a seperate piece that was glued, but I'd be surprised if it's detachable. Not really much use for a gimmick like that.
So.... what HAS changed on this figure from the 1st pix we've seen?
I'm curious because in all honesty, I like it the way it is now.
Sure it's not 100% accurate, but IMO it looks cooler.
It will undoubtedly look better than the prototype. In fact it already does! :hi5: I'm just as psyched as anyone and quite frankly, I also liked their original job with the brown helmet and fogged lenses.

What looks better than the prototype?
Just a thought for anyone who cares to listen:

I'm thinking of using the Predator Skull included with the Machiko base, in combination with part of the spine included with this figure to make an awesome bloodied Predator Trophy.

Think it'll work?
I'm fed up with all these human spine/skull things.
This will be the 3rd now.... time to spice things up.