Hot Toys - MMS130 - Predators: Berserker Predator (Full Spec & Pics)

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I really hope we don't have to put him together, I bet he'd be a real pain :gah:


This is a tired rant, please feel free to ignore this post. It's about how I am going to fund these figures with only payapl money and not money I've earned through my job.

Well, I've been having some deep thinking time. Berserker is $200, Falconer is $200, the imminent Tracker and soon to be Classic both at $200 all total to a staggering amount, $800 to be exact. Well, I think I have found a way to get them all for little cost on my part. That means selling a bunch but it'd be worth it, sell Guardian $400(Ughh...) sell Medicom Alien $100 and the War Machine $200. ____, I'd hate to sell any of the three but the Predators designs are too cool. I did not post this for anyone's specific reaction, I honestly have no idea why I posted it, maybe I am so tired I have lost control? Naw, maybe I just gotta sell bios and customs. All I know though for sure is that I gotta be able to get em all without touching the bank account, only Paypal. That's my rule, if I gotta use my bank account I need to cancel the order. Simple, keeps me in check. All stuff in the bank is saved for, well, life. The money in paypal is like a business. it starts with a little starter money and has grown without outside money. Wow this is lengthy. Whoops forgot, mom may get me Falconer for x-mas. We've talked about it already.

Whatever Acorn... :yess:
Yeah' it's almost not worth it, I already had an account with em so it was easy to do and my brain says "some interest is better than no interest". But yeah it's only like 1.25% interest...not a lot.

Putting money into an account and earning very little interest is much better than buying things on credit card which charges interest

Look after the pennies and the pound looks after themselves
Putting money into an account and earning very little interest is much better than buying things on credit card which charges interest

Look after the pennies and the pound looks after themselves

I try to avoid using my credit card for anything "high end collectible" related. If I don't have the money in my account. I don't get it. Much like Elders method
I think they have improved the headsculpt (bigger mandibles)....:)

I hope not. I've heard conflicting reports though. One said HT was sacrificing torso articulation for aethsetics which I would think that would mean HT would use plastic but another person said it will have articulation over a rubber torso. I don't know which is true but I do hope the torso is plastic especially with some of the problems the rubber HT uses seems to have. Not to mention, rubber no matter how well it's taken care of will rot over time unless it's super high quality.
I really couldn't imagine them making the torso section from plastic at the expense of any articulation, that's not really Hot Toys style. I think it's going to be like other figures with rubber torsos.

I would much rather have a plastic two section torso like other Predators, even if it's less aesthetically pleasing.. Hot Toys tends to be very vague about the material they make their figures from. I often see vinyl used in their descriptions but I have my doubt about that. Feels and looks more like silicone to me, I hope it is anyway.

I haven't had any problems with the rubber on any of my figures, but I don't really play around with them much. I find a few good poses and stick with them.