Hot Toys - MMS130 - Predators: Berserker Predator (Full Spec & Pics)

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I'm guessing December or possibly January unless you know something I don't. I do hope your right, though, the earlier this bad boy comes out the better.

Well I'm hoping it's October, as thats what most of the PO sites are saying, but knowing HT it will probably be later :gah:
My pics from Ani-Com:




I think that head looks big enough. The Lost Predator I have keeps toppling over even with a stand because it so top heavy.
i cant remember if the mask , in the film, hide all the predators face, but i will be very happy if HT remake the bio and do it bigger than head
This is a tired rant, please feel free to ignore this post. It's about how I am going to fund these figures with only payapl money and not money I've earned through my job.

Well, I've been having some deep thinking time. Berserker is $200, Falconer is $200, the imminent Tracker and soon to be Classic both at $200 all total to a staggering amount, $800 to be exact. Well, I think I have found a way to get them all for little cost on my part. That means selling a bunch but it'd be worth it, sell Guardian $400(Ughh...) sell Medicom Alien $100 and the War Machine $200. ____, I'd hate to sell any of the three but the Predators designs are too cool. I did not post this for anyone's specific reaction, I honestly have no idea why I posted it, maybe I am so tired I have lost control? Naw, maybe I just gotta sell bios and customs. All I know though for sure is that I gotta be able to get em all without touching the bank account, only Paypal. That's my rule, if I gotta use my bank account I need to cancel the order. Simple, keeps me in check. All stuff in the bank is saved for, well, life. The money in paypal is like a business. it starts with a little starter money and has grown without outside money. Wow this is lengthy. Whoops forgot, mom may get me Falconer for x-mas. We've talked about it already.
Thanks for reading, and yes, I do this ____ when its late and I'm awake. $800 or even $600 sucks ass. That's only for Predators by HT too. Dayuuummmm....
Well there are place where you can preorder The Berserker for around $175. Pretty sure they'll also have the others for the same price.

This is a tired rant, please feel free to ignore this post. It's about how I am going to fund these figures with only payapl money and not money I've earned through my job.

Well, I've been having some deep thinking time. Berserker is $200, Falconer is $200, the imminent Tracker and soon to be Classic both at $200 all total to a staggering amount, $800 to be exact. Well, I think I have found a way to get them all for little cost on my part. That means selling a bunch but it'd be worth it, sell Guardian $400(Ughh...) sell Medicom Alien $100 and the War Machine $200. ____, I'd hate to sell any of the three but the Predators designs are too cool. I did not post this for anyone's specific reaction, I honestly have no idea why I posted it, maybe I am so tired I have lost control? Naw, maybe I just gotta sell bios and customs. All I know though for sure is that I gotta be able to get em all without touching the bank account, only Paypal. That's my rule, if I gotta use my bank account I need to cancel the order. Simple, keeps me in check. All stuff in the bank is saved for, well, life. The money in paypal is like a business. it starts with a little starter money and has grown without outside money. Wow this is lengthy. Whoops forgot, mom may get me Falconer for x-mas. We've talked about it already.
Sounds like a good system though Elder.
Thanks, and it is, keeps my money safe in the bank. I wish SSC would go to Paypal soon though. Then I could o PO's with that. Oh well.
Well there are place where you can preorder The Berserker for around $175. Pretty sure they'll also have the others for the same price.
Well, i only order from SSC or Alter. I don't like CSC because of two things, the wait and the cancel fee. If something happens and I can't afford then ____ I gotta pay $25 or so to cancel. I also just have a personal preference of those two stores, they've treated me very well. Alter is also close enough that if I really had to i could drive up there and have a face to face conversation if there is a problem. I sound insane I bet, I guess its my OCD about where I order from. I refuse to buy from BBTS and I only purchase NECA from CSC.

wanna sell me an elder pred ^^
No elder here bro, sorry. If I did I would sell him, marked up of course.
I wish SSC would go to Paypal soon though. Then I could o PO's with that. Oh well.

This would be nice, Then you could potentially pay off a PO right then and there.

I actually have a similar system to yours elder, except I just have a separate bank account for it, which is good, cause it garners a small (very small) bit of interest.
Eh, my paypal doesn't gain interest....:(
Maybe I should get a new Bank Account and drain paypal into that to get interest...but the interest would be so small...