Hot Toys - MMS130 - Predators: Berserker Predator (Full Spec & Pics)

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So you like the flared angry look better? My point is mandibles obviously move and are not stationary. So they can have a variety of looks. That comparison shot proves nothing as far as accuracy.
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The flared look wasnt what I meant, I meant that i wanted the head to be a little more parallel with the ground but if we move the head backwards the mandibles will point up and not straight forwad.
exactly, and also because HT's is basing this on reference material FOX sends them which we don't see. The mandibles are movable on the movie predator and can flare out and widen more than HT's chosen face pose....obviously.


This movie still just shows the mandibles more flared. I think HT's head looks pretty damn good. It just show the mandibles more biggie. Also the head is tilted back more in the movie still.
No. The shape of the head, the eye sockets, and the proportions of the mouth to the rest of the head are completely wrong. Berserker's head is much less vertical and much more horizontal than a classic predator, and his mouth is proportionately much larger. Hot Toys did neither of these things. The ridges should be much more aggressive as well, especially the sharp points above his eyes, which are non-existent on Hot toys sculpt.

They didn't make a Berserker sculpt. They made a classic sculpt and modified it slightly.
No. The shape of the head, the eye sockets, and the proportions of the mouth to the rest of the head are completely wrong. Berserker's head is much less vertical and much more horizontal than a classic predator, and his mouth is proportionately much larger. Hot Toys did neither of these things. The ridges should be much more aggressive as well, especially the sharp points above his eyes, which are non-existent on Hot toys sculpt.

They didn't make a Berserker sculpt. They made a classic sculpt and modified it slightly.

Again Berserker is sculpted after the reference material FOX supplies HT's...which you can see pinned up behind most sculpting pics. Front , side and back. And as we have seen in previous movies...Predators facial expressions change. So to base your inaccurate finding by one movie still is rediculous. Is it perfect? No. But it's also not as far off as you claim. You don't like it? Thats cool. Don't buy it would be my suggestion.
We don't even have close ups the of the reference material HT sent but I doubt it looke much different than what was shown on screen. At the very least, the bio is clearly undersized even when you look at the reference pics in Tsang's making of blog.
We don't even have close ups the of the reference material HT sent but I doubt it looke much different than what was shown on screen. At the very least, the bio is clearly undersized even when you look at the reference pics in Tsang's making of blog.

How do you know if you haven't seen closeups of the reference material? My point exactly.....Naysayers are basing it on few screencaps when HT's has more material from the horses mouth than anyone here.
Touche, but to me it makes little sense for FOX to send HT reference pics of the costumes from the movies only to alter the costume in that much by the time official pics are released. But then again what do I know?
Touche, but to me it makes little sense for FOX to send HT reference pics of the costumes from the movies only to alter the costume in that much by the time official pics are released. But then again what do I know?

Another thing is a Predators facial features can change from being angered/enraged which he looks to be in the movie still. The HT's facial sculpt looks more subdued with the mandibles just opening.
Another thing is a Predators facial features can change from being angered/enraged which he looks to be in the movie still. The HT's facial sculpt looks more subdued with the mandibles just opening.

True however like I said though, even when you look at the reference pics in the making of blog, the bio is still to small on the actuall product.
Frankly, I'm not bothered by the size. For me, it looks proportionate. Any larger and it it would've looked like a Wobble Head, accurate or not.
True however like I said though, even when you look at the reference pics in the making of blog, the bio is still to small on the actuall product.

True, but having seen so many posts on Preds head size......there's always going to some complaining. If they make it the right size people call 'em bobleheads. If they make 'em smaller it not screen accurate. :dunno

It's a no win senario for HT's as far a head size goes......
I like wobble headed Predators.

Like I've said a billion times before I do love HT's Preds and aesthetically even prefer the more proportioned heads and bios to the actuall on screen Preds but the accuracy Nazi in me will allways prefer accuracy first.
True, but having seen so many posts on Preds head size......there's always going to some complaining. If they make it the right size people call 'em bobleheads. If they make 'em smaller it not screen accurate. :dunno

It's a no win senario for HT's as far a head size goes......

Sad but so true :lol I myself would rather have the more accurate bobble head despite likeing the more preportioned heads better.

I'll be honest though I think we've all been so spoiled by HT in recent years because even I find myself nitpicking certain things on certain figures that I never would have even cared about just 2 years ago.
Sad but so true :lol I myself would rather have the more accurate bobble head despite likeing the more preportioned heads better.

Agreed, I would as well. But IMO HT's has done a phenomenal job on these....the new bodies rock and I personally cannot wait to get this, Falconer (my fav of the new preds) and Classic in hand.
Agreed, I would as well. But IMO HT's has done a phenomenal job on these....the new bodies rock and I personally cannot wait to get this, Falconer (my fav of the new preds) and Classic in hand.

Body looks great, but the lack of a decent amount of articulation is quite lamentable.
No doubt these are fantastic peices. Berserker and Falconer are imho HT's best Preds so far despite their flaws and I love their previous Preds (despite the fact that I don't own one).
Body looks great, but the lack of a decent amount of articulation is quite lamentable.

I'm more worried about the bodies possibly being rubber than the articulation itself. Even if the articulation is limited, I'm sure I (aswell as most everyone else) can find some good poses for them.

Again, wait until you get it IN HAND before making that judgement....

Actually I think it's a good idea to voice our complaints, critiques and worries now while there is still a chance (no matter how slim) for HT to do something about it. By the time we have them in hand, there's no point in complaining as it will be to late to do anything.