Hot Toys - MMS136 - THE TERMINATOR: 1/6 T-800 Collectible Figure

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Re: Hot Toys THE TERMINATOR 1/6 T-800 Teaser

We're paying a lot for it already. Put in the damn light.

U mean like this? Mod by Hurricane.

Re: Hot Toys THE TERMINATOR 1/6 T-800 Teaser

We're paying a lot for it already. Put in the damn light.
i'd pay the extra $15 premium HT charges for light-up features. it's a hell of a lot cheaper than paying Hurricane to do it for you. and it would make a serious improvement to this figure. i say everyone should start bugging HT about it. it's worth a shot.

it's worth a shot.
Re: Hot Toys THE TERMINATOR 1/6 T-800 Teaser

Not gonna happen.

Hurricane had to drill in a battery pack into the back shoulder and run wires through the arm to contacts imbedded in the hand and add contacts in the gun handle. There is no way to do this (add battery and on off switch) on the pistol alone, so, won't happen.

They would have to add a bulb on the end of the hand and have the light shoot up through the hand and up into the gun sight. That won't work very well either.
Re: Hot Toys THE TERMINATOR 1/6 T-800 Teaser

that's not really any different than what HT did with the P1 helmet. plus, they have the manufacturing infrastructure to do it better and cheaper than Hurricane could.
Re: Hot Toys THE TERMINATOR 1/6 T-800 Teaser

If past endo's are any indication it shouldn't be too hard for them to put a super-bright LED powered by a 1.5v watch cell with micro on/off switch.
Re: Hot Toys THE TERMINATOR 1/6 T-800 Teaser

If past endo's are any indication it shouldn't be too hard for them to put a super-bright LED powered by a 1.5v watch cell with micro on/off switch.

The gun is too small for that IMO. Maybe they could figure something out but the base/neck of an Endo head has far more space to work with than a 1/4" handle.
Re: Hot Toys THE TERMINATOR 1/6 T-800 Teaser

Theres no reason Hot Toys couldn't do it. They made Tony Starks hands light up. However I don't see why they couldn't just have a wire go through his sleeve and plug into the gun, like they did in the movie. There wouldn't be a LED in the gun itself just a red lens.
Re: Hot Toys THE TERMINATOR 1/6 T-800 Teaser

Theres no reason Hot Toys couldn't do it. They made Tony Starks hands light up. However I don't see why they couldn't just have a wire go through his sleeve and plug into the gun, like they did in the move. There wouldn't be a LED in the gun itself just a red lens.

Yeah I mentioned that, but the bulb light souce would have to run out the hand and UP and OUT the gun sight vs straight out a hand lens like Tony's.
Re: Hot Toys THE TERMINATOR 1/6 T-800 Teaser

However I don't see why they couldn't just have a wire go through his sleeve and plug into the gun, like they did in the move. There wouldn't be a LED in the gun itself just a red lens.

That's too complex, I wouldn't want that. It's fine for the movie because it goes with the whole "movie magic" idea, but on the actual figure? No, no. I'm OCD and that would really bug me, even if the laser sighting was cool.

I say leave it as a normal gun, they didn't give Sarah a light up sight did they? An extra ____ed up head, arm, knife and pliers is enough for me. The Police Shoot out version can have the light up eye.
Re: Hot Toys THE TERMINATOR 1/6 T-800 Teaser

And maybe that address book too, like your sig.
Re: Hot Toys THE TERMINATOR 1/6 T-800 Teaser

I think it may be a possible switch out hand if for some reason they can't do it in the gun alone. I mean it's not like he's only coming with one set of hands, so I'm sure a light up feature for the gun is definitely possible IMO.

And no it may not be necessary or used too often, but it's nice to have the optional display alternative. Kind of like the sonar DX bats, most ppl pose with the PERS head, but it's nice to every now and then have the sonar head to put on the lights while it's night time and have that glowing before lights out
Re: Hot Toys THE TERMINATOR 1/6 T-800 Teaser

How about a light up PERS eye? Be pretty kewl to be able to move it around.
Re: Hot Toys THE TERMINATOR 1/6 T-800 Teaser

The laser is essential to the whole image of the the terminator when he pulls the gun out :panic:

The translated description say they have a swap out 'surgery arm' maybe the other arm could have the light built in.

The scene this figure depicts does not have the eye light up at all
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