Who said there was going to be a new Endo?
Cant believe im finally getting THE T1 Terminator
I'm so hoping for a Reese!
He MUST be made (likness permitting)
I think it was rumored, theres no confirmation.
If they dont use biehns likeness, then dont even bother IMO.
Yeah, that's what I thought. I doubt they revisit the Endoskeleton any time soon.
My bet is on the Police Shoot Out T-800 and hopefully Kyle Reese. It could go in any direction though, this IS Hot Toys we're talking about. What if this is the only figure (Tech Noir) that Hot Toys makes for this line? What if they just did the Police Shoot Out version and then called it quits at two?
I'll take each release as it comes. I don't even have this figure yet, I'd like to enjoy it without worrying and potentially disappointing myself about the "next one".
Though the body doesn't work, that T2 de-skinned arm could work well with that head and the other injured arm.
Just ordered a table & Chair set for my arm repair T-800.
Probably not exactly accurate but odds are you won't find anything moreso. Not like you get a detailed look at the table and chair in his room anyway.
These are actually intended for The Dark Knight - the Joker Interrogation scene. I once had the full Interrogation room diorama on order for a long time but cancelled because I had so much other stuff coming.
Uhm, why exactly change bodies?
Arnold had way more muscle mass in T1!
Do you guys remember the theorising we did that the next announcement won't be another T-800 from either T1 or T2 because the existing T2 hadn't sold out yet and the T1 was, at the time, still not shipping? We said that announcing another T-800 would be like Hot Toys competing with themselves, that they wouldn't take the chance of people cancelling current orders so as to get the later BD version instead (as opposed to 'aswell'). But what about Iron Man? They clearly haven't been concerned about competing with themselves on that line - Mark IV is just now shipping, Mark VI prototype pics have been around for ages as have early prototype shots of the Mark V suitcase Ironman suit. Plus war machine, black widow and whiplash have all come out in the meantime.
You're comparing apples to oranges. If I were HT's i'd flood the market with Iron Man figures while the 2nd films DVD/BD release is still somewhat fresh. Iron Man = forgetable. T1/T2 has obviously stood the test of time. So in otherwords Iron Man will dry up ............ they can take their time with T1/T2. They know we'll buy them regardless of release date.