Super Freak
I think the T2 jacket would be fine! maybe remove the silver buttons and raise the collar!
thanks fpr the ebax link.
those set is very expensive. in germany we must pay custom fees
+ 20 %
maybe they´ll sell only the jacket, i will ask them.
He looks the part. With extreme bias I call it between T2 T-800, T-1000 and this guy. In the thread in General Collectibles I voted T-1000 as I have that and gotten total value out of it.
Well guys, my bits arrived from Hong Kong and I have started to put him together... drilled out the eye but still have to finish the socket and line up the bulb. It will also need a casting or something as the bulb looks massive!!!
Looking great!
If your good at sculpting, you should sculpt the area around the bulb then paint it of course.
I take it you havent got the glasses yet?
The glasses that Maxfactory used look good...just a shame he didnt give a link where he got them from.
I would love to have that clance on the sculpt...
Its a real shame this figure wasnt a DX...then it wouldve had PERS and we couldve achieved a lot of these poses in the movie where the terminator is "scanning" his surroundings.
I must admit a BD T2 with PERS does sound good.