mr flibble
Super Freak
Thanks just what I thought would happen. Well don't no if it's worth it then
The T1 & T2 bodies are the same so I would imagine it would be ok. The neck joints are notorious for cracking. I have gone through a few myself, I usually have to scavenge neck joints from other figs, as you said they never seem to be sold separately.
I'm fairly certain a T2 neck plug would also work, I think they're the same.
I have the same problem with mine mate, the t2 peg is fine.
Yeah over time the joint will just get fatigued, like metal fatigue i.e. bending a paperclip back and forth.
So after a quick look on eBay I take it that the pants and boots are now hard to get for this figure?
Yeah your correct, when they do come up they are a ton of money too, Mr Ekco made some boots for the T1 some time ago, not sure if he still makes them ?
You can use the pants from the HT Platoon figs I got them on my PS bash.
I was lucky to find a website that had 1 pair of boots left about a year ago. Even back then I had trouble finding them anywhere.
Think I paid about £25 shipped from the US to UK.
Sid I got the pants recently off eBay for £25 from Malaysia.
Had to bid but it works in out favour due to the currency convert
So I managed to get a pair of boots, pants and the punk t-shirt all from eBay so that means that I can now bash a spare Tech Noir T-800 with my spare TTM-20 body.
Best part of a £100 quid those items cost me but it will be worth it to display both head sculpts.
Wow, congrats man. Looking forward to pics when you finish bashing him.
Just had to say for the record that your signature is kick F'ing @$$
Wow, congrats man. Looking forward to pics when you finish bashing him.
Thanks buddy.
Well my current T-800 setup is the BD version with the burnt jacket so now with the spare body and with the extra items arriving I will just bash together a pre BD Tech Noir T-800.
I was holding out until January for the spare clothes but I managed to get this lot for quite a bit less so I jumped on it. Some sellers are selling the boots and pants for £50 each.
Your going to be able to get some great poses with the TTM-20 upgrade. Those double jointed elbows are where it's at.