Hot Toys - MMS136 - The Terminator: 1/6th scale T800 Collectible Figure (T1)

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IF this releases similar to the T-1000 we're all good. Sometime in December hopefully. We just need some people to STFU about the little ******* things so HT's can rush this into production. After that 3 months is all it should take.

No we need to keep _____ing and moaning to the point that HT decides rather than make innaccurate plastic toys, they'll start cloning the actuall actor and shrink them down to 1/6 scale :lecture

Lol I'm one of the guys that if I find a flaw on a figure, I'll point it out untill I'm blue in the face but I can honestly find nothing wrong with this figure (other than the fact that it's not the Police Station Shootout version). This is pretty much a perfect figure imho and I've decided that if it comes down to the point that I have to choose between this and Falconer, I'm gonna get T1.
I've been reading your posts in here so yes.. yes I know. :wink1:

yeah man I mean it's just great and beautiful to see how these toys can bring us all together resurrecting buzz and excitement about the film even 20+ years later, watching it again now telling our own personal stories, new perspectives, good memories. I think years from now I will remember these talks more than the incredible details on the figures still its all good.
Hahahahaha.....Dev ftw. :rotfl
I don't think they HAVE to be in the film. It'd be nice, but atleast we know they exist. We can just make a mental note while we watch the film that these events are happening.

My favorite one would probably be the Cyberdyne Systems reveal. What are the chances that the final battle took place there AND that's where the remains of the T-800 were found? Before I knew about that scene I just figured they were in a random building, not Cyberdyne.

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That scene was very poorly acted. I'm glad it was cut out. It adds really nothing IMO.
That scene was gruesome, up until fake Arnie. Now it looks baaaaad, but as a kid it scared the ____ out of me.
No we need to keep _____ing and moaning to the point that HT decides rather than make innaccurate plastic toys, they'll start cloning the actuall actor and shrink them down to 1/6 scale :lecture

Lol I'm one of the guys that if I find a flaw on a figure, I'll point it out untill I'm blue in the face but I can honestly find nothing wrong with this figure (other than the fact that it's not the Police Station Shootout version). This is pretty much a perfect figure imho and I've decided that if it comes down to the point that I have to choose between this and Falconer, I'm gonna get T1.

I have T1 on preorder. I'm mostly satisfied with the figure but I still say that the eyes are a little off. In the pics where Arnie is in the shadows and the eyes aren't very visible, the attention deviates to the facial features and it looks more like Arnold, because the rest of the headsculpt is great.
I agree. Stan Winston was a MASTER of his craft! We have him to thank for the Terminator robots, the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park, the Predator, and ALIENS and the queen alien in ALIENS, and many other great movie monster and creature creations.

The Terminator was one of his first ones back in 1984 when it came out. I appreciate it for what it is, even to this day. There really wasn't that great of C.G.I. effects back then, and most effects, creatures, and stunts were "practically done". Meaning literally done on the set, and not later on in a computer. I've always appreciated and admired the pioneers of special effects and creature effects for doing what they could do, and did with what they had.
That scene was gruesome, up until fake Arnie. Now it looks baaaaad, but as a kid it scared the ____ out of me.

I think it still looks good today. It looked better than the GCI Arnold in Salvation (pretty much the only reason to see that movie).
I don't hate it, it's part of the charm of the film but I can't sit here and say that I can't tell it's fake. It's obvious.

Some parts aren't too bad but I always hated when it cuts right back to the real Arnold after he puts the sunglasses on and fixes his hair. If they cut the part with the puppet as he raises his arms to put on the sunglasses by just a few seconds it would have flowed perfectly. I don't think it was necessary to show the puppet wiping the eye either. You got the idea with the real Arnold dabbing the towel to his eye and seeing the blood on the towel.

I know, it was made in 1983/1984 and I prefer the rawness of it over most of this over the top, fast paced CGI but effects have improved. When the puppet raises it's head and looks around it looks like a gorilla.

The scenes before it though are fantastic. That arm doesn't look fake at all. If they did that scene today almost all of it would have been done with CGI. With that said, you've got to love the Terminator surgery scenes, it's iconic. I'm glad Hot Toys decided to include this concept with their figure.
I don't hate it, it's part of the charm of the film but I can't sit here and say that I can't tell it's fake. It's obvious.

Some parts aren't too bad but I always hated when it cuts right back to the real Arnold after he puts the sunglasses on and fixes his hair. If they cut the part with the puppet as he raises his arms to put on the sunglasses by just a few seconds it would have flowed perfectly. I don't think it was necessary to show the puppet wiping the eye either. You got the idea with the real Arnold dabbing the towel to his eye and seeing the blood on the towel.

I know, it was made in 1983/1984 and I prefer the rawness of it over most of this over the top, fast paced CGI but effects have improved. When the puppet raises it's head and looks around it looks like a gorilla.

The scenes before it though are fantastic. That arm doesn't look fake at all. If they did that scene today almost all of it would have been done with CGI. With that said, you've got to love the Terminator surgery scenes, it's iconic. I'm glad Hot Toys decided to include this concept with their figure.

No doubt it looks fake but CGI still looks fake too especially for human faces. Look at SW EPIII and the fight between Sidious and Mace Windu, the part where McDairmid's head is digitally mapped over a stunt doubles is painfully noticible and I haven't seen a movie yet where a CG human looks real. Even Arnie's head mapped over the stunt doubles in Salvation is noticibly CGI imo.
If your being serious there then you need to watch it again :rotfl:wave

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That was absolutely hilarious!

I don't think it sucks, ( I do prefer actors in suits, practical makeup and animatronics though) if it's done right that is. Davy Jones from the pirate movies is a good example of how CGI can work. Having said that I bet if tasked with the opportunity, Stan Winston could have found a way to practically represent Davy Jones and blow our minds.
I don't think it sucks, ( I do prefer actors in suits, practical makeup and animatronics though) if it's done right that is. Davy Jones from the pirate movies is a good example of how CGI can work. Having said that I bet if tasked with the opportunity, Stan Winston could have found a way to practically represent Davy Jones and blow our minds.

Indeed however Davy Jones is a creature. Creatures can look great and very realistic in CGI if enough money and effort is put into it but I have yet to see a CGI human that looks real.
Indeed however Davy Jones is a creature. Creatures can look great and very realistic in CGI if enough money and effort is put into it but I have yet to see a CGI human that looks real.

No I know, I was responding to the blanket statement of "CGI sux", not the human bits.

Though in regards to the human face part. I'm looking ahead to the new Tron Legacy movie. I think The young Jeff Bridges is mostly CGI (facewise) and it look pretty impressive so far. However I can still tell just from the mouth movements. Those always seem to be the most noticeably off for some reason.

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