Exactly. But its got to be a sure thing as far as HT is concerned. Guaranteed seller. The only question is to DX or not to DX.
If they can make ____ing Ghoul Batman, they can and better make the Police Shoot Out T-800. And Kyle Reese for that matter.
Well, the Scarecrow/Batman set has the benefit of no likenesses to worry about. T1 is trickier, I could almost see them doing just this T-800 and saying hey, we gave you a Police figure already, get a new body and use those clothes with this BD head, and even live with just the original Reese.
If that happens, then I hate Hot Toys. Most of their decisions to date have been baffling. From figure choices to licenses. Their teasers are never really fun either (not mad about the Batman part but the spoon was ridiculous).
Quality figures, stupid decisions.
Its all about money, so im sure they will make more terminator figures eventually.
When it comes...it´ll blow all of us away.
I guess Ill hold off getting this one and wait for the police scene one.Not quite confirmed but no one can see it not being made.
It'll come, it'll come. He's just taking longer to develop because of the BD parts and messed up clothes. This T1 figure was able to use the same body as MMS117 so could be moved forward. Thats what I'm telling myself anyway and I've done a good job of convincing myself.
and didnt silensurfer say that someone from sideshow had seen the prototype pictures of the T2 battle damaged T-800?
...and that (Horation Caine, CSI Miami)....is what she said!
Yes, because Hot Toys wants more money from us and I, for one, am happy to give it to them.Would it be too much to expect this to come with the leather jacket and shades? I don't see why this would be out of the question?!