Hot Toys - MMS173 - Predator 2: 1/6th scale City Hunter Predator Collectible Figure

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QC problems... again... >_<

As intricate as these figures are, there's always bound to be something imperfect. Haven't decided if I want to trouble Sideshow for a replacement spear yet.

I've seen a lot of video reviews knock the figure for the visible seems in the mouth with the open mandibles and the inability to hold the skull trophy in his left hand. I was able to resolve both of these issues with just some fiddling. The seams can be closed up and you can get the skull to sit between the thumb and other fingers of his left hand. I don't see what all the fuss is about with the elbow joint, either, as it looks fine to me.

If I were to be upset at Hot Toys for any defects, it'd be that the neck joint is completely flawed. You turn his head, and it falls off. You tilt his head and it falls off. If you've got him looking upward or downward even the slightest, it seems the head isn't even attached but simply balancing atop the neck post.
Re: Picture Time, Part One

Haha, thanks P! Wasn't my intent to discourage you :monkey3

Good eye! It actually came that way. Luckily the plastic is soft enough that it can be straightened. Did you notice the strip of the spear (where the bottom telescoping part meets the handle) that went unpainted?


spear also looks a little bent/crooked extended out like that on opposite side of unpainted handle...:dunno heck, now that i look at it, the whole spear dont look staight at all!
Things that would have made this guy perfect would have been a roof top deco base, a better trophy like a cleaned up king willy skull instead of the rehashed beserker trophy, the forked spear head that danny found, Better sculpted face, and some bullet wounds oozeing green blood. That last idea might limit display options but I would have liked it.

Rooftop base would have been ace and that bullet hole thing could have done with two chest peaces one with holes and one without maybe magnetic ones..but anyway those holes could have been done.
Still waiting for mine..:impatient:
I doubt the spear is bent. Like most things that are plastic when you make something slide out of another there is wiggle room. I'm sure that "bend" is really just gravity. The bottom of the spear hangs straight. Turn the spear around and what looks crooked will hang straight.
Picture Time, Part Four

Awesome set of photos Sir. He looks gret in every single shot, alot better then in person.
Imperfections aside, that is a great set of photos
Well done bro! Love the pics.
Thans fellas!

I doubt the spear is bent. Like most things that are plastic when you make something slide out of another there is wiggle room. I'm sure that "bend" is really just gravity. The bottom of the spear hangs straight. Turn the spear around and what looks crooked will hang straight.
Exactly right. There's some wiggle-room there and I didn't catch it before snapping the photo. You can get the spear to appear straight, you just have to wobble it around once you get it in his hand.

Had to take more photos today!










Got around to taking some quick pics this morning:



The full pose in the detolf:


Letting the figure sit for a few days and then finally photographing it makes me like it a lot more. I'm not super-enthused for yet another P2-based design (few of us are), but it's definitely a great piece. Can't wait to get a P2 Elder to join him up there.
The full pose in the detolf:


Letting the figure sit for a few days and then finally photographing it makes me like it a lot more. I'm not super-enthused for yet another P2-based design (few of us are), but it's definitely a great piece. Can't wait to get a P2 Elder to join him up there.

:hi5: Nice pose Blade3327!! Missing your super-informative youtube vids dude.
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I was (due to him being my favorite of the original movie Predators), but having him in-hand made me realize I'm kind of sick of the designs from that movie. After the original BD version, Lost, Guardian, and Shadow, it's hard for me to get too excited. Love the figure, it's just lacking the feel of a brand-new experience.
I was (due to him being my favorite of the original movie Predators), but having him in-hand made me realize I'm kind of sick of the designs from that movie. After the original BD version, Lost, Guardian, and Shadow, it's hard for me to get too excited. Love the figure, it's just lacking the feel of a brand-new experience.
I can understand that. This is only my second Predator 2 figure, after originally owning the non-battle-damaged original release, so there's still much here that's new for me (the medkit, the bloody stump, the respirator, etc). But with this being a 2.0 release I do wish Hot Toys would have gone the extra mile instead of relying so heavily on recycled parts from past releases. My dream City Hunter release would have included:

1. An all-new and highly accurate headsculpt - not a retooling of Classic/Shadow.
2. A shoulder canon at least 50% larger than the current one, mounted like NECA's and painted intricately. It's bizarre to me how much love the respirator got (silver accents, two versions in the box, etc) - when the shoulder canon is one of his most important features and is the thing which necessitates the light-up helmet.
3. Use metal for the telescoping portions of the spear; this would likely prevent it from being so fragile and floppy and it'd look better too.
4. A proper pouch strap that looks like this instead of a thick leather purse strap.
5. Wrist blades that slide almost entirely into the gauntlet and extend to here. Not only would this be more movie-accurate, but it'd keep them from getting in the way when posing him with other accessories in his right hand.
6. Eliminate the gaudy and fragile helmet wire by placing the batteries and on/off switch in the head; the helmet now plugs into the face so the electronic contacts could be incorporated into that plug.
7. An all-new trophy skull with articulated spine; there's really not a lot you can do with the current accessory.
8. King Willie's severed head and a right hand to hold it by the hair.
9. A clean trophy skull.
10. Some kind of diorama base, like the Chrysler Building Eagle gargoyles they put on the Eastern Building in the film.
I love your #10 comment....waaaay overdue are detailed bases for mini-dioramas especially for those of us who are not as talented to make them.
I love your #10 comment....waaaay overdue are detailed bases for mini-dioramas especially for those of us who are not as talented to make them.
I'm actually surprised I have yet to see someone post a photo of City Hunter in the Joker 2.0 diorama with Medkit on the table.