Super Freak
Well crap. An offer to a HK seller that I made got accepted. Not too much above retail but I will be insanely careful with him. Pretty basic pose for him is all I suppose.
Looks like a stock email that they've probably sent a thousand times. I wish they'd address these types of issues but they tend to make these problems become Sideshow's instead.
Saw this on FB and made me !
You can, however, bend the double jointed elbows up and make him do the chicken dance very easily if you hold him like I do in the video above, while extending and contracting your thumb and index finger repeatedly. So that's good.
I feel your pain man, your review was great as well. I have gotten that exact same email from HT as well though, on numerous occasions. They did replace my DX02 oils body though, even though I got it from ebay.
Wow did they give you the plastic abs version that DC direct released for their Batch of DX02?
I guess the real question is how are they going to resolve this issue?
No point if the replacement eventually breaks again.
Great pose!
You guys are sucking the excitement out of getting this figure before I've even paid for it .....
I've received the same email when I tried to get War Machine's Gatling gun replaced. It was broken either while packed or shipped because it was sealed shipper. But because I bought it from a third party, Hot Toys was able to wash their hands of it and I was SOL.
Unfortunately, this figure has been mass produced already so those of us who have bought or will buy it are just going to have to be extra careful handling Spidey. Unless it's purchased through an authorized reseller, replacements may be hard to acquire.
Sweet pic hawker!
thank you