Hot Toys - MMS185 - The Avengers: Iron Man MK VII Official Specs & Pics

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Wow! The proportions looks pretty spot on here, excitement for this just jumped up a notch! Slightly skinny looking arms but he rest looks fantastic imo.
I love the sculpt, it's a nice change from your usual angry RDJ sculpt. The lighting is coming from the bottom up.
Hehe. This thing rocks. You guys would ***** if a naked woman with big ****s gave you a solid gold Mk anything. Sheesh. :p

Oh and thanks for all the pics guys. Much appreciated!
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Its not just the wrist flaps that are new if you look at the 2 hands next to each other one is flat and the other has a slight bend in it like the new battle damaged mark 7 so you can get the full repulser pose.

Although we do not have the best pics of Mark VII and no inhand of IM3 TS, still what do you say?

I have heard enough dislikes for the Mark IV but I still keep him at the top, next the MT one, and then the rest.

I'd put the mk VII tops as I feel the smirk better represents the character.
I think the best RDJ head sculpt is from the new Mark I 2.0.

I'm new to the 1/6 figure scene but why do they have a new head sculpt for each release? Why not just stick with one so each figure displayed has the same basic face. They could just tweak the expression and add any aging with paint.
Hmmm good eye. Kinda looks like the ribcage panel is slightly off or gone or something. Both sides are uneven looking.
It's probably just improperly assembled for that display. There's certainly a history of that happening.
Not sure if you guys notice or care about it but the gold part on his rib is inaccurate on final produce. Its suppose to be narrowed like prototype which is similar to movie.
Maybe that's what the supposed additional ribcage panels are for?

Long set = will look like the proto pictures
short set = "retracted" vents
off = open vents (like in the BD version)
Maybe that's what the supposed additional ribcage panels are for?

Long set = will look like the proto pictures
short set = "retracted" vents
off = open vents (like in the BD version)

Let's hope HT make it like that.

Still....we got big eyes (helmet) for final product...that mean I'm gonna have to swap with Mark VI helmet then.