I see Gary Sinise in IM3 HS. That's really a matter of opinion. And yeah, they all will definitely look great, all of them. We will win, no matter which one we get
More "Jack the bear" or "Forrest Gump"?

I see Gary Sinise in IM3 HS. That's really a matter of opinion. And yeah, they all will definitely look great, all of them. We will win, no matter which one we get
More "Jack the bear" or "Forrest Gump"?![]()
Yeah cos peeps creating what one member may deem a useless thread is way more important than a back and forth between members that takes over the thread for 18 out of the 40 pages I checked.
Maybe if peeps were a little more pro-active towards each other and even the forum, rather than revelling in drama, we could work together to do more, if we need to. You think a thread is useless, don't post in it. If a thread is created and you know there is an existing one for the same thing, report it with the link for the existing one and we will merge them together.
We do what we can (and we're very good at it), but even we don't see everything, we do have real lives outside of the interwebz and are not always online.
If however you do a reported post for something we may have missed, it WILL be looked at by the mods of that section as soon as one gets online.
Lets hope so.
You never know I might surprise you![]()
Never try to predict what a mod will do, especially me
Is it possible that these are already on their way to SS? Why are people getting their waitlist converted on the 14th?![]()
You would like to think so but I am not that guy. After all these ThatIsToo comments and galaxybreeze this and that I was checking the threads to find out what was going on.
Correct me if I'm wrong:
1. A guy Thatistooreal po'd 10 bd mk 7s and was sharing an ebay account
with a guy in HK under the ebay name Galaxybreeze and boasted about it.
2. He changed his ebay username on the boards and was caught by hokietwo.
3. The guy was banned.
4. He signed up under different names saying that all the stuff thatistooreal did was justified and ended up being banned also.
First of all, I AM NOT THATISTOOREAL. I have no associations with him at all. I don't know his friends, family, anything. People are hoping that I'm this guy and want to feel satisfied that they smoked him out again. I'm not him.
1. I hate selling stuff on ebay. Buyers are finicky and fees are too high.
2. Thatistooreal is a ********* for hoarding 10 of the bd mk7s to sell at a profit. That sucks especially since these were limited to the US. I po'd 1 and only one. I consider myself lucky to get one.
3. I hate scalpers. I see them every year at SDCC rolling away cases of stuff that would be better off in the hands of a collector. SDCC 2011, I wanted a Skystriker Starscream but it was sold out while scalpers had cases of the stuff being loaded into their vans.
4. I don't know anyone in HK and have never been there.
5. I'm a Hot Toys Collector just like all of you guys. I get excited over a po,consider cancelling it when something new comes along, wait for omg's pics to surface, get bummed out by blurry in hand pics then am amazed when I get it in hand.
I AM NOT THATISTOOREAL NOR HAVE I DONE BUSINESS AS GALAXYBREEZE or whatever else ebay id or any other alias he has used around here. I don't know him, his friends, anything.
But, if you think I'm being false and it makes you feel better about yourself, go ahead and ban me. All I wanted to do was come in here and talk about what I was passionate about, what I love to collect, argue about Joker's socks or whatever. When people start to collect HT, they don't automatically gravitate to this site. When I found it, I was happy to find people that were as equally passionate about this geeky obsession as I am. Sorry about the long post but I just had to get it off my chest.
When are you people who come up with these weird opinions about head sculpts going to realize you are the one with the problem. The sculpt is great and any normal person can see its a great RDJ sculpt.
Nah, that's the Mark IV sculpt. Señior Stark.I dunno, I see a lot of Roberto Downey Jr. in this sculpt. Latin Iron Man.
Seriously though, head is awful.
Nah, that's the Mark IV sculpt. Señior Stark.
Is it possible that these are already on their way to SS? Why are people getting their waitlist converted on the 14th?![]()
they wont lock the thread they'll delete posts/ ban us. the other thread has alot of time to cool off
Is it possible that these are already on their way to SS? Why are people getting their waitlist converted on the 14th?![]()
I don't recall SS ever getting something before HK. but we have had simultaneous releases like IndyNot the first time HT will have done this though is it so there is a possiblity SS get it before HK. Didn't it happen with Indy?
I don't recall SS ever getting something before HK. but we have had simultaneous releases like Indy
they can def lock a thread....followed by a nasty note and "until this figure is released this thread will remain closed"
Also it's funny how this figure is clean/semi-battle damaged and then the movie promo version looks like it's been beaten all to H E Double Hockeystick