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How did you get the Mk vii head on the TTM21 body without it looking all sunken in?

Honestly, in those pics the head is simply resting in the open socket and not actually attached.

Without the adapter, the head sits too low and with it the head sits too high.

I'm currently trying to figure out a makeshift solution.
Okay, here's what I just did and I am happy with the results.

I pulled the rubber stopper out of the Stark head neck post and simply folded up a post it note and wrapped it around it and then pushed it back in.

It wedged in there nicely and raised the head just enough for the correct height. It's also fully posable.

This isn't a permanent fix, but a solid temporary one for now.

Hi, I was just wondering where you got the green arm computer thingy on Starks arm from. I've been looking for something to go with my custom Tony!

It was a Sideshow exclusive accessory that came with the Mark II Unleashed figure.

Someone may sell them for parts on ebay or something.
Mine arrived as I was walking out my front door. Was excited I brought him to work. LoL! Can't wait till my break time.

Okay, here's a rundown on how to simply and quickly fit the Mark VII Stark head on a Hot Toys body with a correctly proportional neck length.

Using a pair of needle nose pliers (or whatever works best), remove the rubber stopper from the neck post. It's glued in place, so don't pull really hard, just slowly and consistently.


Afterwards, I simply folded over a small piece of paper (a post it note) and wrapped it around the interior of the neck post with a bit hanging out.


Then I pushed the rubber stopper back in place, only now because of the paper, the neck is roughly a 1/4 inch longer.


It's not a perfect, permanent fix, but it's a quick and easy one until I or anyone else figures out a better one. (It's also quickly undoable, if you decide you want to put the head back on the Mark VII for any reason.)

Got my Mk 7 yesterday, currently have him in BD mode, so hard to decide what setup to have him in, I keep switching between parts. Gotta admit, this is my favorite HT IM by far. Took some pics of him in one pose for now, hopefully get some more later this week.




Took a few more shots, this time on a white background. Trying to get better at shooting one white. Love the figure though, not sure how to pose him yet but so slick looking.



I also photograph my figures on a white background. Your shots look great! :clap

My Iron Man is on route and on time. I just hope I don't sleep through the UPS guy knocking on my door.

Mine also arrived today! So happy right now! :yess:

Got my Mk 7 yesterday, currently have him in BD mode, so hard to decide what setup to have him in, I keep switching between parts. Gotta admit, this is my favorite HT IM by far. Took some pics of him in one pose for now, hopefully get some more later this week.




To me, I wish he didn't really have that smirk on his face... I think it takes away the seriousness when he wears his suit. I mean the sculpt is great as tony stark, but not iron man...I don't think I recall seeing Tony in his suit with helmet off and smirking...

Man that is one Derpy left eye on the sculpt. LOL.

My initial thoughts....

The head sculpt is really poor when looked at directly. It definitely benefits from a indirect angle.

The suit is awesome, the faceplate was as bad as it looked for me. Just do not understand the single neck lighting on this version.

The rubber elbows can look goofy and make the suit look weird at front angles with no arm bends. Can be hidden with good posing though.

The helmet is bulbous in the back, but can be angled to minimize the neck gap to look ok.

All of the add on pieces and BB add ons are great. Feel like you get money's worth with this release. For once.:lol

Given the known negatives it is the best mark suit to date and by far the best looking mark of them all. Going to mod the faceplate and this guy will be good to go!

Really love the armor how it has a showroom shine. Happy to have him for a Avengers display and ready for the "Enormous green rage monster". :yess:
To me, I wish he didn't really have that smirk on his face... I think it takes away the seriousness when he wears his suit. I mean the sculpt is great as tony stark, but not iron man...I don't think I recall seeing Tony in his suit with helmet off and smirking...

Stark is always like that, in a suit, or in HIS suit.