MK VII is the best looking IM armor so far.
Very nice! Thanks for 3 years later, it turns out this Mark VII is still the only one to have weapons on its thighs on screen! From I to XLV! Wow!
Awesome pic!!!![]()
Very nice photolove the pose
thx guys! you know, i was never really a fan of that stark head sculpt... but toss some sunglasses on him and the attitude comes out and suddenly that sculpt looks a lot better! lol
the Tony Stark headsculpt that comes with the Mark VII, is it compatible with this: Custom Design 1 6 Nude Male Muscular Heavy Body Fits to Hot Toys TTM20 TTM16 | eBay
or is there a suggestion of what body type to look at?
Awesome, thank you for the tip. This is perfect and less expensive. And you're right, he has a neck adapter but that looks like no issues with this body.Don't spend $40 on a bootleg.
Spend $21 and get the same one, lol.
It should fit Tony's head, but his head came without a neck adaptor if my memory serves me correctly. There will always be something you can do.
Here's the $21 one.
1 6 Scale Male Body Series w Highly Cost Effective Edge MX02 A Caucasian Skin | eBay
Is this figure die-cast? I just traded some figures for this one....yeah, I am getting another Iron Man. Told myself I didn't need him...but now I have two.
Nope this one is plastic!
Ooo....I always wanted one plastic Iron Man figure!But regardless....other than mkXLIII, mkVII armor was my favorite. Can't wait for him to come now!