What could they do if you changed your shipping address to a UK address, they take your payment, and then you quickly change your address back before it ships?
It's sold out! Guess us unfortunate US souls gotta drench ourselves in the $550 range ones...
if the US people wonder why i didn't sell out in less than 10 minutes:
The email was sent around midnight (Western Europe) so everybody was probably asleep the first few hours.
I woke up at 4 am, checked my phone for the time and saw the sideshow notification, ordered with my eyes half closed and got back to sleep.
Man, talk about close..!!! Got email at midnight last night, straight away was showing to add to Waitlist.. added myself... 10 minutes later showing pre-order available so I cancelled the waitlist and pre-ordered... Email this morning, pre-order cancelled due to card expiry on1st June..!!! NNnooooo.....!! Pre-ordered again this morning at work with less than 10 remaining, and following my order status changed to Checking Inventory so I may have got the last one...!! Phew! Order email recieved with new updated card now so all good....!