I think its the stand, rather than the battle damage to the suit, that is of most interest..
i hope that isn't the official BD MK 7 next to the regular MK 7 because i don't see much of battle damage on the figure besides scorch marks.
That Silly Thing Iron Man is one of the few that has gotten to that price mark (strangely to me, considering the really dated sculpt). But as I said before, it is the real exception to the rule. 4 or 5 figures in the entire history of Hot Toys doesn't constitute "many" figures. RPD Leon doesn't sell for that much, it's just that folks post BINs for that price and hope some schmuck comes along and pays it. I just checked, and the last one that sold on eBay went for right over $500. One of the issues with Hot Toys is that few of their releases are truly rare. Even these supposedly rare exclusives like the BD figure here probably have multiple thousands produced (their 10th anniversary "exclusive" figures had 4,000 produced of each).
Crazy prices people are selling these for. They haven't even started shipping from Sideshow. Sideshow may get more than they thought originally and then people will very dumb.
Crazy prices people are selling these for. They haven't even started shipping from Sideshow. Sideshow may get more than they thought originally and then people will very dumb.
dude you can try to justify it any way you want but buying this toy for $500+ is pretty dumb regardless
So there "dumb" because they choose to pay more for a sold out figure and have it for sure? Lol I love how people judge everyone who dosen't see there way of thinking.
It isn't sold out b/c as he stated Sideshow hasn't even began shipping them.
You have no experience with SSC W/L if you believe that to be trueNo you can put youself on a waitlist to try to get one if they end up getting more available but at this point how many people are on that list? And do you really think that everyone on it is going to get one? Look unless you got a pre order in or went on the wait list within the first 24-48 hours its probably unlikely your going to get one. So yeah unless your in one of those two boats its pretty much sold out for you. So at this point what are your options? Move on to the next pre order or pay $500+ for the figure. If you choose to own and your willing to pay then more power to you. But just because your paying that much dosent make you dumb, its just means your determinded to get it no matter the cost.
And if I remember right aren't you the one who posted they were willing to trade a hulk for this?
You have no experience with SSC W/L if you believe that to be true
If you think about it $500-$580 is not really too high for this. It retailed for $318 if you add shipping. That leaves a $262 profit margin for the seller BEFORE adding the Paypal fees. The fees are $11-$12 which leaves a profit of only $250 bucks!!! That ain't bad at all. The problem here is that the figure itself cost a butt load with shipping included. I mean a figure that sells for $194 and is sold out and people buy for $450-$500 (such as Hawkeye) VS a figure that sells for $318 and it's sold out and people selling it for $580, I think that we know which one is more ridiculous to buy (hawk, hint) giving the fact that one of them is highly collectible due to its limited edition. I'm sure that if this figure would retail for $194 and people would try sell it for $500-$580 then that would be a utter scalp, but at this price for how much it retailed and the whole Paypal fees and shipping, etc. I think it's a fair price.
And if he sells it on ebay there is an 11% fee as well that deducts from his $250 profit margin.