Hot Toys - MMS196 - The Avengers: Battle Damaged Mark VII (Movie Promo Edition)

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Finally got a chance to open him up there was 2 lose magnet from the mask but was able to glue it back on. This is my 1st Iron Man and he is stunning. I skipped out on the regular ver since I didn't like the head sculpt and he was too clean looking lol. The base is big like most say and looks awesome. This might be my only IM piece I want in my collection since I'm not big on any armor design after The Avengers movie. If i was a Big time IM fan I would not fip this just for a measly $200 or so :hi5:
So are most of us in agreement that this is the must have Iron Man figure or is that title owned by the Midas version!

For armor completist, id say midas, since its a different armor. But for the casual IM/HT collector, or if you can only afford a few of/ or just 1 IM suits, then this would definitely be it. Or the mark i 2.0.
For armor completist, id say midas, since its a different armor. But for the casual IM/HT collector, or if you can only afford a few of/ or just 1 IM suits, then this would definitely be it. Or the mark i 2.0.

isn't the midas the same as the mark vii just painted in a different color?
this is more different as it has the head sculpt and huge base.

i do agree that this is the one to have if you need/can afford only one. midas is for the completist out there.
yeah, first thing that came to my mind. But then this is the same guy who has a electromagnet in his chest that powers a metallic suit, so I let it slide

:lol For sure. You have to let a lot slide when you're talking about any fictional flick especially when it's a comic based movie. Hell, you have to let stuff slide in almost all movie in general. But fiction, comic or not that was a tough one to swallow for me. The suit that can withstand hell and high water.... and can crash thru two floors of his house to ultimetly land and crush a car.... is apparently fairly lightweight :lol

I have a friend that also collects Hot Toys, unfortunately for him he missed out when this went up for pre-order. Fortunately for myself I did get my pre-order in before it sold out. Every since then he has tried and tried to talk me in to selling it to him, I am pretty set on hanging on to it. He was trying to trade me the q.s. Batman, but I am keeping my collection 1/6th. I have most of what he has except his Tobey Spider-man, both normal and black suit, and New Goblin. He is now offering me all three figures for this one BD Mark VII. Already owning the normal Mark VII I admit I am slightly tempted. Three figures for one. But ultimately I can always go to ebay and pick up these Spider-man figures. If I part with the BD Iron Man thats it, its gone. SO on that I lean towards keeping it. Thoughts? :dunno

Definitely don't do it. Keeping the BD MK VII is a no brainer. No question the two Spidey figs are both fantastic pieces and the Goblin is subjective IMO. Either way they are all easily accessible. You can still get the Black Spidey from Sideshow and earn some points in doing so, You can find the original MMS143 on eBay for around $275 (and probably negotiate a better deal than that).... and the Goblin... is going nowhere :lol. You'll still be able to score him next year for $150-$160.

So right now you'd have to shell out give or take the same amount of $$$ to score those 3 pieces as you would get for selling your MK VII. The difference is next year there will be 1/5 of the amount of BD MK VIIs on eBay and they'll all be going for $800+. The other 3 pieces that you're looking at will still be around for roughly the same prices as they are today.

I'd say definitely hold your MK VII and get the other 3 pieces ay your leisure. You can get 1 of those every other month so you don't have to shell out all at once if you don't want, and again, they're not dissapearing too soon; but once you let the MK VII go… it’ll be very pricey to get back
Ill let a bd mk vii go for retail if someone sells me the gunmetal mk iii for retail. I wont charge a penny over cost...
How often would you say you get a damaged figure that has never been opened? 1% of the time? I'd argue the chances of the figure being damaged increase astronomically once a stranger opens it and starts inspecting since so much can go wrong.

It's a matter of preference, but I'll take my chances with the factory sealed figure 99% of the time. The exception would be a figure release known to have been plagued with qc issues from the start.

I see sellers inspecting and removing the batteries from IM figures as part of their inspection, and selling for NISB/MISB prices. What if they stripped the tiny screws doing this? What if they caused damaged trying to pry batteries out? What if I wanted my IM to light up? It's like paying the same price for a new car off the showroom floor & one that has 10,000 miles on it.

It's been opened? Uh oh, better expect to get like $7 for it. That's how collecting works, or so I've been told.

even novices know, original factory sealed packaging is worth more to the serious collector. that's why they're willing to pay more for it.

be thankful a collector's box with a crushed corner today is more forgivable than it used to be. many factory sealed hot toys can have this flaw if not packed out.
this argument is very subjective. if we are talking a stranger thats one thing, but i have bought several opened items from fellow collectors that were perfect. as long as you know who youre dealing with, opened or not opened doesnt matter.
this argument is very subjective. if we are talking a stranger thats one thing, but i have bought several opened items from fellow collectors that were perfect. as long as you know who youre dealing with, opened or not opened doesnt matter.

For the record my statements are assuming I'm dealing with a stranger.

Another concern with a stranger inspecting I have is:
What if I receive the figure & find something is wrong that the seller missed? A paint chip/scratch/bubble for example.

Now you'd be at odds with the seller over their inspection. And their inspection would be worthless. :huh

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