No rush to acquire everyone on the team: we have more movies coming out, and the characters you don't have now might even have better costumes in those movies...? Or maybe not, as Winter Soldier can attest.
No rush to acquire everyone on the team: we have more movies coming out, and the characters you don't have now might even have better costumes in those movies...? Or maybe not, as Winter Soldier can attest.
Can't afford to be a completist so target favorites.
Funny how you mention 1/6 cars. ^^ I actually wanted to get one and smash in the roof so I can have my Winter Soldier murder-strut from the top of it looking classy and murderous. ♥ Sadly they're too big (duh!) for my poor Detolf and I'm too chicken too smash an expensive collectible with a hammer. XD I will, however, buy myself a nice WWII Harley ...I WISH I could have gotten WS retail - lesson learned. Not only is my own current situation Bucky's fault, the humble plum will never be the same again in my eyes. *Sob* Bucky was just trying to lay low, minding his own business, trying to get a little healthy breakfast, and some *&^%$ starts tossing gas canisters into his apartment - I mean, how would you feel? So rude!
(It's also Bucky's and CA's fault I'm gonna check out some 1:6 scale cars, that I can take a hammer to for display - who would have thought? And maybe get some orange resin and make some FLAMES....)
Plenty of cars tho. Just think how many got wrecked making these films. After all, these are LIMITED EDITION ART. And I'd love a spare head sculpt, 'coz I like rooted hair (depending) and I've been thinking of a civvie Buck too - already looking at the 1:6 costume sites for the shirts. Then I'd have an excuse to get Black Panther *cough* re a display.
Meanwhile, got my pre-order for Bucky in, and checking out Iron Studios stuff, but think $$$ gonna have to stick w. HT re the Avengers. Checked out IM diecast but re being RESPONSIBLE *cough* guess I'll go w. the less expensive version. Probably.
Suspect when Bucky is defrosted (again) he's gonna be stuffed into another badass outfit and weapons-loaded. IMO he won't be defrosted/arm rebuilt just to take up goat herding or whatever in Wakanda. So IMO multiple Buckys will be great on shelf.
AND I BET HE WILL LOOK GREAT in that new costume! So I will be buying that one too, unless the sculpt is crap like they did to Loki v2.0
Ugh, so true! I can't buy Steve without Buck or the other way round so waiting is gonna be tough for CW Cap. :/ Gladly, Wanda and Scott will do their best and keep him company but there's only so much they can do. My Rescue Cap will be even lonlier.AND I BET HE WILL LOOK GREAT in that new costume! So I will be buying that one too, unless the sculpt is crap like they did to Loki v2.0.
Meanwhile, Cap is lonely on the shelf. He is getting the evil eye from Loki v1.0 and Zod/Supes are both ignoring him. He needs his pal.
That's the worst thing about these figures: they get to your house, and then they need FRIENDS. Ugh.
I think it's time Bucky got a haircut
That's why I'm getting a lot of the Civil War figures. Unless something changes between prototype and final release, the sculpts and outfits have all looked great so far, so I'm going to get my figure of each character so I have nothing to worry about with future release. HT has really been on their game lately, with the Marvel figures at least.
Ugh, so true! I can't buy Steve without Buck or the other way round so waiting is gonna be tough for CW Cap. :/ Gladly, Wanda and Scott will do their best and keep him company but there's only so much they can do. My Rescue Cap will be even lonlier.No one from the same time to share that shelf with him until that custom Azzano Bucky is finished so Stevie'll be moping a lot.
I honestly can't wait for a new Bucky outfit. Maybe we'll already get one from Black Panther, they gotta defrost him sometime, ya know? Unless his role in IW is going to be an ice block. Someone's gonna get the man a new awesome arm *glances at T'Challa* ...
No matter when we'll get it, I'm sure the head sculpts are only getting better.I mean look at HTs latest work, they're really nailing it. Moreover, they get better with every new sculpt so I think we're safe and our wallets are more likely to cry themselves to sleep at night once a new Bucky figure gets announced.
I'll buy the head for this and probably wait for the infinity war version. I have WS already
I remember back when the WS figure came out, it wasn't really selling for the longest time. You could find some decent deals on it from a couple places; I got mine for $210 from my local comics shop.
I thought it was still pricey at the time, now I consider myself veeeeeery lucky.![]()
Gosh I was so happy that I had found him for 250€ shipped. It was the last piece the shop had.Funny enough, I didn't believe they still had him when I ordered. He was my very first HT figure and I thought to myself "Well, it's freaking expensive but this is probably wrong ... they most likely will email you saying that he's out of stock etc." and just ordered him. Minutes later, I got the order confirmation and about an hour later the shipping notification. XD I was like "HOLY **** I JUST SPENT 250€!" XD But in the end it was one of the best decisions I ever made.
Or one of the worst when you consider my growing HT collection. XD
I didn't wanna get the CW version at first coz it comes with almost nothing compared to the TWS one but to me these figures show lots of character development. It's not just 2 Buckys in different outfits. In a way it's two different characters. One's the brainwashed assassin, the other is the guy who tries to get back some kind of normalty, buying plums and chocolate bars and remembers lots of things from his past and writes his memories down in note books. I really wanted the Winter Soldier from the movie in a badass pose ready to kill but I also wanted Bucky. So yeah, even though I told myself back then that I'd only get one, I ultimately didn't really have a choice but to get both. And yeah, I'm positive every new Bucky figure will get us another state of the character, so it doesn't even feel like I'm buying multiples. ^^'' Who knows, we might just get Bucky with an amazing new bulletproof outfit and the Cap shield instead of the red star on his arm next and one day, we might even get Bucky!Cap. I for one am extremely hyped to see which way the MCU is going with him and what kinda character Bucky will be when we see him next.![]()