Super Freak
Heeeee's beautiful
Heeeee's beautifullove
Bloody hell...Luke and Wonder Woman delayed for months due to likeness issues (apparently)...And they release this guy...He could be anyone...No likeness to the actor there at all.
THIS.I still prefer the first one, but the metal arm looks better for sure... IMO this figure would have benefited greatly from having a more aggressive/angry facial expression, not even that much different than it is... It's just hard for me to want to put figures in fighting poses when they look like their deep in thought... I guess i'll just wait to see what the next Bucky figure will be like.
HT really didn’t think that through. Why would anyone put Bucky here with his stoic expression in a fighting pose next to angry Cap in a fighting pose? That just looks so off, even HT must have noticed. They probably just didn’t care.
While the likeness isn't that great, it's still better than some others and I don't feel like it's completely off. Maybe Winter Soldier no. 3 will finally have a much improved likeness.
I'm hoping for a more Cap inspired uniform for him in Infinity War... Not full on Cap gear with helmet and all that though, I still want him to look like the Winter Soldier but with a bit of super-hero flair. This one just seems so boring.
Could you imagine Sebastian Stan in red tights and blue short shorts![]()
Just coz it's what HT usually does, doesn't mean people shouldn't complain about it or wish for something else. As I said, when you try to recreate the last fight from CW with HT Cap, WS and IM, then sorry, but Bucky looks off. It's not even a cool pic coz you got IM and Cap with his angry face fighting like in the movie and WS looking like "I wonder where I could get some plums. I really should have gotten some on the way here."I don't know why you guys are still upset about the stoic expressions....literally every figure they do, minus the Cap figure, have a pretty expressionless face sculpt. While I agree they should really include a second sculpt with something expressive like they did with Cap, you pretty much know what you're getting at this point.
Personally, I think the figure looks great and I'm pretty excited for it to get to me. Countdown to Sideshow is on!
Just coz it's what HT usually does, doesn't mean people shouldn't complain about it or wish for something else. As I said, when you try to recreate the last fight from CW with HT Cap, WS and IM, then sorry, but Bucky looks off. It's not even a cool pic coz you got IM and Cap with his angry face fighting like in the movie and WS looking like "I wonder where I could get some plums. I really should have gotten some on the way here."
Don't get me wrong, I really like the figure and I'm not gonna use Cap's angry faceplate anyway so Buck looks fine next to him but it wouldn't have hurt to include another expression, especially coz WS barely comes with anything but costs are the same as the others.
No no, I see where you're coming from and I do agree. However, I'm not saying I expect expressive or additional sculpts for every figure. It's just that the way they're marketing these guys (IM, Cap, WS) and put them in the fighting scene from the movie, it's absolutely ridiculous to include an "action face" for Cap, but not for WS. I mean, when recreating scenes from the last fight, you end up with this:Don't get me wrong, I completely understand why people would want expressive sculpts from HT, I'm just saying at this point in the game, I don't think HT is going to oblige. Costs have been rising on these figures and accessories haven't been going up (even if overall quality does seem to be better with sculpting and clothing IMO). I just can't see them adding in second sculpts when the majority of their buyers pose in museum poses anyway. I just don't think the demand is going to be there for it.
Using the force he isWhat's Buck doing? trying to concentrate so that he can tear our the arc reactor by shear will power?