I think he's got a weird shaped head and the long hair doesn't help
That would still be off and we'd be complaining.
There's nothing that would stop the complaining. Thy could invent a shrink Ray and send you an actual 1/6 Sebastian And some people would say it doesn't look like him. Just the way it is. Seriously, actors have entered look a like contest meant to see who most looks like them, and lost.
yeah not to mention that a lot of people think that an actor looks a lot different in real life coz they're suddenly "3D". So a nearly perfect likeness in a 1/6 head sculpt is extremely hard. I mean sometimes the likeness can be improved by a certain expression that we kinda expect from the actor, like the smirk for Scott coz that's just so Paul Rudd, ya know? But since HT is rarely doing expressions that show some kinda emotion, it makes it even harder imo.
honestly,i think the first head looks better.something just seems off,cant point a finger at it
I just ordered one off eBay from a Hong Kong seller this morning,as I can't be bothered with the almost 3 month wait it takes for them to arrive in Australia,should have it in a couple of weeks,will post pics asap in natural light,and under lights,looking forward to this figure alot
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