1/6 Hot Toys - MMS353 D16 - CA: Civil War - Iron Man Mark XLVI Collectible Figure

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Lol it's funny you mentioned ANH Vader. I literally typed that I wouldn't care if the breathing/James Earl Jones feature didn't work but decided not to include that bit. I guess for me, a Vader figure is still a badass Vader figure with or without the voice function. These figures really only speak to me (no pun intended) visually. If RDJ recorded a bunch of quirky lines, I would be more than okay with that feature not working, lol. But an Iron Man figure that can't light up would literally and figuratively be a useless armor.
"Hey you two Avengers!.....Assemble!!" [emoji91][emoji991]

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Not sure if they are isolated cases or not, but every reviewers up to now reported issues with their MK46 figure, it's why I'm asking if anyone have their MK46 in hands and don't have any issues with it. I guess if I only have to glue one or two magnets back in place, I'll surely won't be pleased but I'll fix it, more than that, it won't pass for me :/.

It's just that for the price paid, we shouldn't have to deal with such poor qc control from Hot Toys (or any premium collectibles company for that matter), we often end up banalizing these issues and it's a bit like saying to them: "it's ok if you can't afford a more efficient qc or use better quality glue, we are used to making up for your lack of quality control now, we'll just fix it ourselves, thanks for this other outstanding product!" ;p. It can be ok for some, I can respect that, but not so much for me, just my humble point of view.

Can't wait to receive mine and see If I get a lemon or not lol.
"Hey you two Avengers!.....Assemble!!" [emoji91][emoji991]

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Did you somehow lighten up the Civil War cap? Mine looks a lot darker than the one you've got, to the point that I'm wondering if maybe I wound up getting a Battling Version suit.
Did you somehow lighten up the Civil War cap? Mine looks a lot darker than the one you've got, to the point that I'm wondering if maybe I wound up getting a Battling Version suit.

I have the regular version too, but no alterations. It may just be my lighting, it tends to bring out all the details. Here's my battling version.

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Yeah, I was thinking it could just be the lighting, but the look of the battling version, looks a lot more like the shades of red, white, and blue on mine. If it weren't for the dusty look on the chest, I'd be convinced based on your pics that I had battling version suit on my regular Cap.

I'm gonna take another look at my Cap in different light though, just to make sure, ha ha.
Yeah, I was thinking it could just be the lighting, but the look of the battling version, looks a lot more like the shades of red, white, and blue on mine. If it weren't for the dusty look on the chest, I'd be convinced based on your pics that I had battling version suit on my regular Cap.

I'm gonna take another look at my Cap in different light though, just to make sure, ha ha.

They are very close. Battling is just a liitle dirty and had the fancy base and BD shield.
You're still paying for it, and if you ever want/need to part with it you have a broken figure of diminished value

I have way WAY to many IM figures to deal with the all the lights. The cheap batteries that leak is more of a concern than the lights (to me anyway). If i ever sell i will just be honest and say i never put the batteries in. I sold one IM fig a year or so ago that i never checked the lights and it was not an issue to the price or the buyer.

If lighting is a common issue with the 46 then they are alll going to take a little hit on value. Even the good ones because it might work on your shelf, you sell it and a good bump in shipping might loosen a wire someplace and the buyer gets it the lights do not work.

But hopefully it's a early batch issue.
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I' have 6 Iron Men/War Machine and I have never tried the batteries for one. Now that will change as I want to get a Soap Reactor for 1 or 2 of the figures.

But regardless.

I want it! So does WM MK3


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I'm trying to convince myself I don't need this figure,and that HT will do a 1/4 scale 46,I'll see how long I can hold out

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"Hey you two Avengers!.....Assemble!!" [emoji91][emoji991]

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Great pic! :clap

I have the regular version too, but no alterations. It may just be my lighting, it tends to bring out all the details. Here's my battling version.

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Brings out all the details indeed. Even what looks to be the unbuttoned harness strap on Cap's right shoulder. :lol
Like this shot more. This is his "Fin Fang Foom is coming" pose. Lol.

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This figure looks great on its own, but next to Captain America he looks emaciated and with the headsculpt the proportions are downright strange. This armor is definitely chunkier than CA on screen, it's not even close.

I guess HT CA is too bulky also which doesn't help. I'm not usually a scale snob but something about these proportions makes the 46 look very toylike, at least in pictures.

This is probably my favorite armor but it's an easy pass at any price close to retail.
top 5 armors.

1.The next one
2.Mark III
3.Mark VI
4.Mark 44
5.Mark 42, 43

46 is definitely up there & it's a beauty of a figure. Congrats to all those getting him!

For me.. (if we're including the diecast 6 and 46)

1. 46
2. 6
3. 45
4. 42
5. 3

If we get a diecast 7, it'll probably nix 3, and push 42 down to 5. It's a tough call for me between the 6 and 45.. but I have to think the accessories for the 6 are going to put it ahead of the 45.
Kinda agree, 46 looks like MMS instead of die cast when next to capt

This figure looks great on its own, but next to Captain America he looks emaciated and with the headsculpt the proportions are downright strange. This armor is definitely chunkier than CA on screen, it's not even close.

I guess HT CA is too bulky also which doesn't help. I'm not usually a scale snob but something about these proportions makes the 46 look very toylike, at least in pictures.

This is probably my favorite armor but it's an easy pass at any price close to retail.
I'd like to get an Iron Man figure but not sure what to do at the moment. This one looks great, but the upcoming Mark 6 looks awesome as well. But I'm also thinking about waiting for a diecast Mark 7, Mark 4, or Infinity War armor.
Do you guys know when the MK46 will be arriving at sideshow in the states? I'm hoping to get a parted out Cap helmet since CW Cap didn't come with one.