I remember the silver color disappointing me the most when I got the original V. This definitely does look much better.
I remember the silver color disappointing me the most when I got the original V. This definitely does look much better.
Yeah, I was disappointed with the look of the original V...and then I was extra disappointed when the wrist/ball broke on both sides when swapping hands after about a year of ownership. I’ve owned nearly every Iron Man HT figure, and this is the only one I’ve had break like that.
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I was getting ready to pack mine up for a sale - i havent touched it in 6 years.. but went to put the original 'fist' back on and.. the wrist snapped and came out. I should have kept tabs on the original mark V thread but what can you do - I may end up keeping it vs. selling it for even lower than its going for now
Wow mine did that too, had to glue in place back on the wrist. That was my very 1st iron man hot toys as well.
Wait wasn't it delayed till may-june? How were you able to get it this early
Wait wasn't it delayed till may-june? How were you able to get it this early
Conclusion overall is not as satisfying as I'd like to have it. On some parts Hot Toys just performed lackluster - just a repaintof the Tony Stark portrait from the arc reactor creation set or the re-use of the original suitcase with the new silver paint. The potential was huge...but the results compared to the expectations a bit disappointing.
Gonna have to disagree with this, all of the engineering that went into this piece makes it hit all expectations.
The suitcase sculpt was fine as-is… the only downer is the Stark head sculpt, but with this suit it looks better helmet on anyhow.
Simply put, it destroys the original… and that was exactly what it's "potential" was from the start.