I'd like to pick up a 2nd one and Sideshow has a limit of one. Any advice on other places to order from?
make another account with SS use a diff. email.
I'd like to pick up a 2nd one and Sideshow has a limit of one. Any advice on other places to order from?
I'd like to pick up a 2nd one and Sideshow has a limit of one. Any advice on other places to order from?
I'd like to pick up a 2nd one and Sideshow has a limit of one. Any advice on other places to order from?
make another account with SS use a diff. email.
Pre Ordered!!! I want this to sell out fast. I want Hot Toys to see the power in releasing more from this film. Gold Dress Harley, Classic Outfit Harley, Silver Jacket Jokr, Panda Gunner, Boomerang, Killer Kroc, Fuego Guerrero, The Huntress, Flagg, and a 1/6 Purple Lambo.
Rewards points plus Christmas Gift card = $20 Batman
Congrats on the EPIC price!
Should have never missed on the BVS one
LolYou missed that a few pages back.[emoji38]
Eh I don't see it. If anything it proves Batman's track record which isn't exactly a surprise. Not sure the other characters are popular enough to warrant the extra versions. Look at people in the Harley thread cancelling like crazy...And she was arguably the most popular character of the film.
Eh I don't see it. If anything it proves Batman's track record which isn't exactly a surprise. Not sure the other characters are popular enough to warrant the extra versions. Look at people in the Harley thread cancelling like crazy...And she was arguably the most popular character of the film.
How many of you that ordered also have the BVS one? I can't justify buying this since I already have the BVS one but I'm very curious