1/6 Hot Toys - MMS409 - Suicide Squad - Batman (Rebreather Version) Collectible Figure

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The only review that is on youtube is from someone in hong kong in cantonese. I'll check it out later.
Looking at the pics and videos, I think the biggest update is the lighter shade of the suit.
As for the muscles, it does appear to be also a tad bigger.

Not really huge difference over the BvS, but there is a slight upgrade beside the cape.
The BvS one to me is already ridiculously huge and accurate to his physique. Not sure how much bigger they can make it before the muscularity starts to look a bit embellished and unnatural.
The BvS one to me is already ridiculously huge and accurate to his physique. Not sure how much bigger they can make it before the muscularity starts to look a bit embellished and unnatural.

The HT Batfleck is no doubt huge, but I would say, it is still slight...just slightly smaller than how Batfleck looked on screen.
Snyder really made Batman look like a brute in the movie.
Althought I love to mod my figures, the size never bothered me cause as you mentioned, he is already huge.

I do love the lighter and yellowish dingy look of the suit.
The cape though...meh. I think the custom ones look better.
The HT Batfleck is no doubt huge, but I would say, it is still slight...just slightly smaller than how Batfleck looked on screen.
Snyder really made Batman look like a brute in the movie.
Althought I love to mod my figures, the size never bothered me cause as you mentioned, he is already huge.

I do love the lighter and yellowish dingy look of the suit.
The cape though...meh. I think the custom ones look better.

Agree the cape is another fail for HT from what I'm seeing. Jaxon and unrealtoys wired capes look far better.
I wish I'd been able to get one of these, lighter suit looks better. Sooner or later I'm gonna have to take the plunge and repaint my BvS Bats.
Are the muscles really bigger on this release? The lighter grey of the suit could be making him appear slightly bigger. Looks good though.
Mine arrived yesterday but I won't be home until this later this afternoon. Looking forward to seeing how his cape is & to compare him with my bvs batman

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