I don't see why Hulk can't sit for a haircut... He seem calm enough speaking with Thor.
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It has the seam in this video
Ah, I realized what happened. The person was showing off the large Hulk and Thor statue in the background, which has no seams on them.
Mystery solved!
The chest straps, arm armor, and shoulder armor all fit so tight to the body. I'm guessing that they are
permanently attached to the body?
That picture makes it look like he has a mutated right foot haha
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The knees look worse in that secret base pic. I don't want rubber knees but they really should take another look at the knees on this. Maybe another lower body that's crouched along with this design would be better. A preposed lower body wouldn't make everyone happy either though.
That picture makes it look like he has a mutated right foot haha ��
Sent from a single point in space and time
The knees look worse in that secret base pic. I don't want rubber knees but they really should take another look at the knees on this. Maybe another lower body that's crouched along with this design would be better. A preposed lower body wouldn't make everyone happy either though.
I mean, the other 2 hulks had the same knees as well, they were just hidden by the pants.