1/6 Hot Toys -MMS496- Episode II: AOTC - Count Dooku (Darth Tyranus) Collectible Figure

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Re: Hot Toys -MMS496- Episode II AOTC Count Dooku Collectible Figure

I woke up surprised to see BBTS still has this for PO. Gee I wonder if the NRD has anything to do with it? :rolleyes:

It may be partly that as well as the steep price. If I were to order this through Sideshow, the shipping would push this closer to 270...for a single figure featuring minimal accessories, a basic stand and an outfit composed of pants, a tunic, cape, belt and boots. No molded armor, no special limbs*, no alternate portrait.

The price keeps creeping up. (* the light - up saber arm could be considered basic now as it's been included with so many figures)

And while there is a strong group of folks who've been anxiously awaiting a high - end figure of the Count (of which I gladly consider myself a part of) he is a prequel character and while the sequel trilogy has taken the limelight of hate from so-called fans, the prequel collecting will probably always lag a bit behind the OT.
Re: Hot Toys -MMS496- Episode II AOTC Count Dooku Collectible Figure

Interesting- while the Jin Cheol Hong repaint looks amazing as always, there is something about the 2002 SAGA Hasbro 12" Count Dooku that captured Dooku's character better. It might be the expression or the angle of the eyebrows, or the fact Hasbro used Gentle Giant's RealScan on him. Maybe it's just the eyebrows. Sideshow Collectibles used to sculpt / paint eyebrows like caterpillars, HT make them too subtle.
Still, definitely worth a consideration, especially for the holographic accessories.

I still have that version but with the head and outfit on a truetype body and it's still one of my favourite pieces to this day haha. Sleeves are a bit short but for static posing, he looks mean and intimidating as f@*k!
“Surely you can do better!”
-Darth Tyranus

I have that one too and it is a great fill in especially when we had nothing else available but this will be miles apart in every way.
Re: Hot Toys -MMS- Episode II AOTC Count Dooku Collectible Figure

They didn't have an nrd for deadpool either when I po'd. IDK why they do with this figure.

Obviously they are tired of the usual a holes who order then cancel. Hopefully NRD becomes standard on all figures and statues. The way I see idiots making a big deal about NRD you would think it doesn't apply to the price of the figure.
Re: Hot Toys -MMS496- Episode II AOTC Count Dooku Collectible Figure

Personally, I don't mind the NRD either. It's one thing if people really like the prototype and preorder it, but hate the final product (kind of how I felt with Luke and the fat suit), then sure, I could see people being annoyed about losing $20. But for people who preorder and cancel just because they changed their mind or they want something else or whatever it may be - businesses are effected by that. They order their stock based off preorders to not get stuck with more extra than they can reasonable expect to sell. They have to look out for themselves too - I think a lot of customers tend to forget that.

And still, it's $20ish. If you're not someone who orders and cancels figures as a regular practice, it really shouldn't matter all that much.
Re: Hot Toys -MMS496- Episode II AOTC Count Dooku Collectible Figure

It may be partly that as well as the steep price. If I were to order this through Sideshow, the shipping would push this closer to 270...for a single figure featuring minimal accessories, a basic stand and an outfit composed of pants, a tunic, cape, belt and boots. No molded armor, no special limbs*, no alternate portrait.

The price keeps creeping up. (* the light - up saber arm could be considered basic now as it's been included with so many figures)

And while there is a strong group of folks who've been anxiously awaiting a high - end figure of the Count (of which I gladly consider myself a part of) he is a prequel character and while the sequel trilogy has taken the limelight of hate from so-called fans, the prequel collecting will probably always lag a bit behind the OT.

Besides the arm he also comes with a couple more hands than typical, force lightening for both hands and 3 holograms. If we're thinking this would've been $235 standard price, the force lightening and holograms at the very least adds up to $8.

I would love if he comes with a surprise bonus neck swap so you can have him decapitated in front of Anakin.
Re: Hot Toys -MMS496- Episode II AOTC Count Dooku Collectible Figure

Yeah, hope they re-do old Ben at some point.

If this is the quality standard, would have to redo all of the ANH except Leia(may as well redo her too with a better dress). I doubt we see that happen, but I wouldn't mind. Would rather see some new OT characters first though. Still a long list of wants without any figure at all.
Re: Hot Toys -MMS496- Episode II AOTC Count Dooku Collectible Figure

That would require an alternate head sculpt to match, lol.


Well he died in ROTS and I think he was wearing a different outfit so it makes sense they might still make a ROTS Dooku, but sometimes I don’t understand HT producing characters and ping ponging between films :slap
Re: Hot Toys -MMS496- Episode II AOTC Count Dooku Collectible Figure

Didnt realize that the Dooku was going to have an LED lightsaber.
Re: Hot Toys -MMS496- Episode II AOTC Count Dooku Collectible Figure

Pretty sure all saber weilding HT figures from the PT SW are going to have the lit option from now on with exception to Yoda ( I’m sure because of size material )

Which I actually like this option they put with the figures, eventhough many will not use the function
Re: Hot Toys -MMS- Episode II AOTC Count Dooku Collectible Figure

But don't they have to ship at the same time for the free shipping? Would be really annoying if there is a long gap between releases. With BBTS adding nrd I'm just not preordering most figures anymore.

Yeah. Too bad you are now forced to only order figures you actually intend to buy.😬
Re: Hot Toys -MMS- Episode II AOTC Count Dooku Collectible Figure

Yeah. Too bad you are now forced to only order figures you actually intend to buy.��

I usually buy at least a couple figures a month and in the past couple years have probably cancelled one or two. And only because I wasn't happy with how they turned out. The point is money should not be collected on a yet to be seen final product 15 months from seeing the light of day. If the release date was closer and we could see what the delivered product looks like we would be having a different conversation.
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Re: Hot Toys -MMS496- Episode II AOTC Count Dooku Collectible Figure

Anakin, Kenobi, Dooku and Yoda sculpts spot on from my perspective...... wish they could give us OT Luke, Han and Chewie with such accuracy
Re: Hot Toys -MMS496- Episode II AOTC Count Dooku Collectible Figure

Ep3 obi-wan, count Dooku and hopefully a new HT Darth Maul would all look great together

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