You can't have both.
But you can clearly still see Anakin's face through the mask and while perhaps illogical to be so lucky that the blade didn't slice through the face as well (it's just movie magic anyway) - you could have still had that dynamic at the end with a lighter Vader while still preserving some mystery and sadness to the character. I'm not a fan of removing the helmet in any of this stuff really.You can't have both.
But you can clearly still see Anakin's face through the mask and while perhaps illogical to be so lucky that the blade didn't slice through the face as well (it's just movie magic anyway) - you could have still had that dynamic at the end with a lighter Vader while still preserving some mystery and sadness to the character. I'm not a fan of removing the helmet in any of this stuff really.
He stopped being the monster when he saved his son. But before that he was very much the monster and the sliced helmet reminds us of that. Yes he was internally redeemed but that slight reminder of who he was and what he did for so many years should still be there imo. It's a powerful image of the light and dark that Anakin represented in his life.You can't have The Monster AND the "he's just a man"... it doesn't work. Dilutes both.
He stopped being the monster when he saved his son. But before that he was very much the monster and the sliced helmet reminds us of that.
Going back to my original post and remember I felt this way in 1983 when I was 11, back before any of the stuff that came after. The image just didn't resonate with me even though I was fine with the idea so I get where you are coming from as well. He just looked too nice and warm, not threatening at all and yeah perhaps that was the point but it was just a bit - sudden.I think Lucas was trying to have the Vader mask be "The Machine" -- the cold heartless monster that can consume us all if we allow it; technology crushing the human spirit and all that -- but the Man inside was always just a Man... a man surrounded and utterly engulf by The Machine, the Monster. Freeing "the man" inside in any way -- even through a crack -- would break the symbolism of 'total control of the Machine'. Anakin (at that time) was the ultimate expression of the Ghost in the Machine; the soul that could be saved.
Yeah but it could have rhymed even moreBut it already rhymed -- when Luke looked at his hand and realized he's becoming his father.
Face it, you just want to see an ugly, hideous face inside there, seething with anger. It is really just that simple...
Is that Rick Moranis from Spaceballs under there?
Palpatine is apparently the happiest character in the whole franchise
He knows Jar-Jar is dead and the Sequel Trilogy is comedicPalpatine is apparently the happiest character in the whole franchise
He knows Jar-Jar is dead and the Sequel Trilogy is comedic