Hot Toys - MMS699 & MMS700 - Return of the Jedi: Darth Vader 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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I’m not completely happy with either version.

Obi-wan: slashed cape, ridiculous sized codpiece, chest box only works for an ANH Vader, bad source material.

ROTJ: reused ESB helmet and unsightly leg length proportions.

As usual it seems a mix of parts will be required unless there’s a bit of retooling happening behind the curtain, they’ve apparently been working on the Tobey Spider-man mask for batch 2 from what I’ve heard due to the uproar. I do see them offering us a ROTS version next year though if people are thinking of holding off on either of these, but the ROTS chest box won’t work for an OT Vader.
Nor will his one-piece chest/shoulder armor.
Yep, though I’d get a ROTS Vader before I’d get an Obi-wan or Rogue one version, but that’s me. I have to like the source material very well to justify a purchase. Ideally I’d use the Obi-wan helmet for ROTJ if it’ll be compatible. ROTJ with Obi-wan helmet, taller replacement body, a genuine leather suit and a proper custom cape would be the perfect Vader to make. Just purchased the new Yunsil Emperor Palpatine outfit and metal brooch, I’d love to have both Vader & Sidious customized to their full potential, can’t expect a company to offer us that level of quality at $300 usd.
I can't say I spent alot customizing the original HT ANH Vader aside from swapping of many parts and a light paint-wash to dull the armor, but I got that old Vader looking quite nice to my eyes... at least for ANH display.

I was pretty nonplused by HT's ESB Vader. Would have thought they'd give extra effort to that one, being he's most fans favorite version, but it looks quite toyish with its shiny armor.

I fear ROTJ will be even shinier. But then, I really got it to display that old Shaw head. I feel like, out of 3 Vaders on the shelf, one can be a reveal head. Since I didn't care for Vader too much in ROTJ, that's the one for the reveal.

I do like the crackhead from the Obi-Wan show, but it's just too "fans-choice" for me, and that show just sucked.

I never got RO, though some parts did go to my ANH Vader (gloves, robes, something else I can't remember...)
As many have already stated, HT really should have just downscaled their 1:4 ROTJ Vader with new updates and improvements of course. It’s honestly perplexing to say the least, ROTJ is the last film Vader will ever be in, you’d think they’d go all out for this. It doesn’t get any more iconic than Vader with the cut off hand and exposed wires. (How he managed to lift Palpatine over his head with one hand while being fried, without the force still puzzles me)
I’ve never seen it, I watched the awful excuse of a prime Vader v Kenobi fight on YT though. I still haven’t even seen Rogue One bro or any of the D+ shows for that matter, not even The Mandalorian.

To me Star Wars is just -

The Clone Wars season 1-7
Revenge of The Sith
A New Hope
Empire Strikes Back
Return of The Jedi

Everything else is just pointless filler dragging down an already complete and fulfilled story.
I’ve never seen it, I watched the awful excuse of a prime Vader v Kenobi fight on YT though. I still haven’t even seen Rogue One bro or any of the D+ shows for that matter, not even The Mandalorian.

To me Star Wars is just -

The Clone Wars season 1-7
Revenge of The Sith
A New Hope
Empire Strikes Back
Return of The Jedi

Everything else is just pointless filler dragging down an already complete and fulfilled story.
Missing out. I get OT is best but there’s still plenty of good material and canon outside of it. But everyone has their own thoughts of course. I don’t let source material determine whether I get a piece. Design plays as well. Maul is my favorite and they did him dirty in TPM.
I actually really like Maul, it’s a shame TCW had so little to work with because of TPM. I would’ve liked to see him at his peak in the series.
Nor will his one-piece chest/shoulder armor.
It may looked like its a one piece armor, but there are shoulder bells
I’ve never seen it, I watched the awful excuse of a prime Vader v Kenobi fight on YT though. I still haven’t even seen Rogue One bro or any of the D+ shows for that matter, not even The Mandalorian.

To me Star Wars is just -

The Clone Wars season 1-7
Revenge of The Sith
A New Hope
Empire Strikes Back
Return of The Jedi

Everything else is just pointless filler dragging down an already complete and fulfilled story.
For me its just anh and esb that are watchable. Even rotj is trash to me. Its nearly impossible to retcon and make previous stories better. Once a blunder is made its pretty much game over.

I did enjoy mando season 1 but wouldn't watch it again.

I watch bad movies as a hobby, but forget manos, or plan 9, the last Jedi is easily the worst.
For me its just anh and esb that are watchable. Even rotj is trash to me. Its nearly impossible to retcon and make previous stories better. Once a blunder is made its pretty much game over.

I did enjoy mando season 1 but wouldn't watch it again.

I watch bad movies as a hobby, but forget manos, or plan 9, the last Jedi is easily the worst.
As huge a fan of Star Wars as I am I always find it really interesting to take a step back and reflect that, objectively, Star Wars doesnt really have a lot of good content. ANH & Empire of course but Jedi is weak and honestly, Clone Wars put me to sleep.
For me its just anh and esb that are watchable. Even rotj is trash to me. Its nearly impossible to retcon and make previous stories better. Once a blunder is made its pretty much game over.

I did enjoy mando season 1 but wouldn't watch it again.

I watch bad movies as a hobby, but forget manos, or plan 9, the last Jedi is easily the worst.
Jabba the Hutt, Palps and speeder bike chase > entire Disney SW streaming+films combined
There’s aspects to most things in SW that are boring / not watchable.

While I enjoy the opening to ANH due to R2 & C-3PO, the Jawas put me to sleep, it’s similar to the extremely slow opening to 2001: A Space Odyssey, even though I love that film.

ESB is the most well rounded out of all the available media.

ROTJ could do without the weird Jabba palace scenes and just about all of the scenes on Endor, even though it’s visually appealing to look at, it’s boring and doesn’t make much sense. Boba Fett was a wasted character. Needs more Palpatine, Vader, Luke and Death Star. I always felt like after only seeing Palpatine via hologram throughout the trilogy, this final film should of spent a bit of time with him before killing him off, such a great character.

TPM & AOTC are unwatchable for me, young Anakin, Jar-Jar, the plot, very bland and exhausting, rewatchability wasn’t there for me even as a kid.

ROTS is overall pretty good, though I’ve always thought it should’ve been longer or split into two parts. Thankfully TCW helped fill the gap.

TCW is really good and some of the best media when its focus is on the various clone missions and Jedi & Sith conflict, but extremely boring at other times with the multiple filler episodes I would just skip entirely.

The sequel trilogy doesn’t exist, I walked out of the theater when Leia flew through space and didn’t watch TROS until a few years after it came out.

Can’t speak on the various D+ shows as I’ve never seen them.
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TCW is really good and some of the best media when its focus is on the various clone missions and Jedi & Sith conflict, but extremely boring at other times with the multiple filler episodes I would just skip entirely.

The sequel trilogy doesn’t exist, I walked out of the theater when Leia flew through space and didn’t watch TROS until a few years after it came out.

Can’t speak on the various D+ shows as I’ve never seen them.
I do need to give TCW another viewing. I watch most of it but stopped about 2 seasons short of finishing. I remember at the time being really bored with all the Mandalor stuff but that to me was the best part of The Mandelorian. On that note I really dont understand the hate The Mandalorian gets? Even season 3. Kept me entertained throughout and is what got me started collecting Hot Toys.
I enjoyed Force Awakens. Maybe I was just starved for some new Star Wars? Last Jedi has its moments but I agree that ROS is absolute garbage. They should have just let Colin Trevorrow make is movie instead of letting Abrams ruin it like he did.