Hot Toys - MMS699 & MMS700 - Return of the Jedi: Darth Vader 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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Jazzinc's mods were mostly invisible other than the weathering/dulling, like he made the function of the figure better and did some subtle futzing/trimming here and there? Like no resculpt of face mask or armor or height adjust? I had no idea he did stuff like this.
Jazzinc's mods were mostly invisible other than the weathering/dulling, like he made the function of the figure better and did some subtle futzing/trimming here and there? Like no resculpt of face mask or armor or height adjust? I had no idea he did stuff like this.
He no longer does this, I believe he modded a handful of figures for a few fans years ago, was very happy to have this opportunity, as HT ANH stock Vader was not quite right, as we all know. No height changes, no resculpts though.
Only the Dark Empire Luke has the new pleated nylon (and it appears to be the pants only, not shirt/sleeves), right?

I understood both the OWK and ROTJ Vaders were just standard pleather - the specs for neither figure mention the nylon, which is specifically called out in the Dark Empire Luke specs.

We were trying to figure this out a month or so ago.
All i know is that the OWK suit feels a lot different to previous versions. It feels a lot more tougher and durable, like a Vinyl or Nylon material.

Or they may have just made a new mix for the pleather, in that they added more glue in with the leather scraps, making it feel more ridged.
Maybe someone out there in HT land could chime in and verify it.
My local store has 3 Deluxe sets in stock for preorder at retail price! My all in price would be $364 (lower tax rate and no shipping costs) but…. I don’t need the light up jolly rancher helmet, the LED saber w/ wires or the stairs.. I’m debating if I should still get it and if I’d make some money back if I were to sell the items I don’t need. I’d want to make at least $50 back, but Idk if people would actually want those things…

I don’t even need the Shaw head-sculpt too, as I plan to display with the helmet. Displaying him with the Shaw sculpt isn’t even accurate unless you have him on the floor dying xD
You could also pose him up as he appeared off camera :D

Yeah it’s a nice mask. What they could’ve done better in comparison to the source material was enlarge the eyes and top button nose, and size down the bottom grille.
Comparison with the movie helmet.

They finally got the two tone paint scheme about right, which is a huge improvement over the previous 1/6 Vaders. Aside from the ANH version the others are all way too dark, with little contrast between the gunmetal and black.

I'm looking forward to getting this version now.

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This'll be my first and only Vader. I'm one of those that doesn't see most of the differences between films, but it looks like Return of the Jedi Vader to me and I don't know anyone that'd look at it irl and discern that the colour is slightly off or the tusks are 6 degrees off 🤷🏼‍♂️
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And the OT was the reason I waited for the ROTJ re-release. They also did thebusb for the saber, that was not originally included afair. Now if they had done the nylon suit too would be the icing on the cake, but guess will order a leather replacement when the time comes. This is and will be my only Vader to go with Mando Luke.
For the "only-one" Vader fans from the OT and who don't like to customize, this would be the best option. It's Vader, it has a removeable helmet and a removeable mask, and the Shaw portrait.
I hope to have two when it’s all said and done.

This one, which I’ll convert to a TESB version. It’ll do the job just fine.

And then a ROTS Vader for the Prequels shelf.

I currently have Tarkin/Vader ANH MMS434 which I’ve added certain pieces from the 279 release for my ANH Vader since I feel is its own design vs TESB/ROTJ. But since I have an Empire collection, I’ll probably get rid of him. That’s how bad the prior ESB release was for me, completely unpurchasable
If this has the OWK body and thus proportions it will be a slam dunk, might be as solid a release as dx28 but pure OT goodness, glad I kept the preorder, Vader might be the one character I'll have more then one of.