Hot Toys - MMS699 & MMS700 - Return of the Jedi: Darth Vader 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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It’s been a week of ownership and I said I’d write down my full thoughts, but honestly it’s like any other Vader figure made my Hot Toys. I'm just happy Hot Toys got off their ass and redesigned the helmet, only reason why I picked this up to convert it to a ESB Vader, so I plan to sell off the extra accessories that came in the ROTJ deluxe set – haven’t even picked up the Shaw sculpt to inspect it lol.

Pipe dream would be to see what INART would do if they had the Disney licenses, I’d kill to see their take on a Vader figure. They’d nail the subtle details and everything else. That being said, what I have on display gets the job done. I keep gawking at it and because I feel this way, I’m looking to finally pull the trigger on the MMS268 Stormtrooper 2-pack. The elusive Snowtrooper 2-pack would be epic but the aftermarket price is too rich for my blood.

I know I’ve made mods to mine, but when discussing the stock ROTJ figure and discussing mods to enhance the ROTJ look, I’m not a fan of the stock belt since the electronic boxes are fixed and can’t be adjusted to be closer to the belt buckle. The stock boots are inaccurate looking and can be upgraded to the OWK boots. The cape – in how it drapes – is bad, but it does have the pleather lining that covers the neck as in ROTJ.

One of my relatives has a ROTJ-based display and is less picky that I am, so we’ll see if he decides to do any mods, but I’m looking forward to seeing him display this with his modded ROTJ Luke Skywalker.

I’m looking forward to seeing more people get this in, it’s a rad piece!
The ESB improvement aspect is the best bonus of this set. I actually like my ESB figure now.

I dream of an InArt Vader with the proper posture.
It totally works for those who already have the ESB Vader and want to display the Shaw portrait with the new one (which I myself wouldn’t do). I never brought myself to getting the ESB Vader, wouldn’t touch it with a ten-foot pole personally.

INART Vader would be excellent, but honestly, this gets the job done.
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Looks like we're starting to get stock in the UK. Comic Books and Cocktails emailed last nght to say it'll be arriving with them on the 8th. Be my first Vader and I can't wait!
It’s sublime, especially in person. Hopefully you get it soon!
It? Them! I’m so insane I bought 2. Helmet on and Shaw sculpt. I’m going to try to pose my Luke kneeling down for the my own eyes scene.
Sideshow email received for charging soon. Hopefully this will reignite my enthusiasm for the hobby. All of these 2.0 and exclusives and price gouging are ruining my enjoyment.
When y'all are lighting this guy up, how are you doing it? Just plugging into a powerbank or what?

When I got Bespin Luke, I was looking for a powerbank that had multiple USB-C ports, so I could line up a few Hot Toys figures and plug them all into the same power source, but it everything I found had two ports max.
Has anyone tried to see what the ESB dome looks like on the ROTJ Vader yet? The flare of the dome on the ROTJ looks a little long to me. With the shorter neck of the ESB Vader, would the ESB dome look better on the ROTJ Vader? Just curious.
If it fit, about the only thing that would need to be "fixed" I would think is to file down the widow's peak a little.