Hot Toys : New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming

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Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

I agree. People here come to daydream and voice their excitement on their speculation of desires. Trying to make a point with reason against that human nature is pointless.

It's called, Facebook and Twitter.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

I guess my point is being lost here.

All I'm trying to say is that this talk of certainty that it "has to be" or "must be" or even "probably will be" a Nurse Joker is bogus.

We have one piece of evidence for what this figure may be - a piece of cardboard with the exact same box art as the DX Joker (with a "2.0" stamped on it). That is much more indicative of a rerelease than a brand new outfit (more of the same, not something new). It in no way points to a Nurse Joker.
There was also a poster with Bank Robber Joker on it (though I can't find a link). Might mean nothing, might mean EVERYTHING.

Having said that, this figure has to be nurse Joker. It must be. It. . .probably will be.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

There was also a poster with Bank Robber Joker on it (though I can't find a link). Might mean nothing, might mean EVERYTHING.

Having said that, this figure has to be nurse Joker. It must be. It. . .probably will be.

Keep positive thinking up- I'm pretty sure it will be the nurse outfit IF they want to give us something new!:lecture
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

Does seem logical that this will just be the same as the last DX Joker but substitute the Police outfit with a Nurse one

That's my opinion anyway
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

Does seem logical that this will just be the same as the last DX Joker but substitute the Police outfit with a Nurse one

That's my opinion anyway

Hot toys like to improve on previous figures they have already done, we have seen it with the dark knight suit, v1 joker and the Mark II to name a few ..i can see them improving the purple suit "again" with this release, and they will probably do the same with the dx02 and release it as a the DKR suit with whatever extras he uses in the movie if any.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

That's just crazy talk. It's quite obvious to me that HT are going to produce an exact reproduction of the figure as it was released two years ago, improvements and advancements be damned!
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

Lol... Guess well all have to wait and see. Some people are going to be horribly wrong either way lol
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

That's just crazy talk. It's quite obvious to me that HT are going to produce an exact reproduction of the figure as it was released two years ago, improvements and advancements be damned!

It's not crazy talk, it's pretty logical actually toys want to sell this to not only those who missed the figure the first time around but to those who already have it how would they rope in current dx01 owners? upgraded suit would do the job i'd imagine, there is plenty of room for improvement!:dunno
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

I dont see why anyone would want a nurse joker outfit. That was the dumbest outfit of the movie. Just don't see why anyone would want to display him as a nurse.:dunno
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

I dont see why anyone would want a nurse joker outfit. That was the dumbest outfit of the movie. Just don't see why anyone would want to display him as a nurse.:dunno

Ya...not my favorite look, but as others have mentioned it's the only look hot toys never gave us, it would make sense for them to include the nurse gear to beef out this release.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

I dont see why anyone would want a nurse joker outfit. That was the dumbest outfit of the movie. Just don't see why anyone would want to display him as a nurse.:dunno

Myself and many many others would want to display him as a nurse

Speak for yourself :)
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

I dont see why anyone would want a nurse joker outfit. That was the dumbest outfit of the movie. Just don't see why anyone would want to display him as a nurse.:dunno

Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

Personally I've NEVER wanted a figure of Nurse Joker. The get up disguise, idea and scene in the movie is great, but it's just not one of those things I'd want in my collection. I remember when those leaked pictures of the Joker in nurse and cop garb were revealed and how cool it was. At the time I didn't even fathom that the Joker would have such disguises.

Then the film came along and that scene was equally great. It's hilarious that he's dressed as a woman to infiltrate the hospital and it's also one of his best scenes (from washing his hands after feeling "contaminated" to his expression when the bombs don't detonate immediately).

However, I wouldn't feel comfortable owning that as a figure because out of context, it's down right strange. It's like having some weird, sexual anime doll practicing cosplay on display in the collection. A tranny Joker figure with a white and pink skirt, that just doesn't fly with me. It works in the film, but not on my shelf if that makes sense. I "get it" and think it's great in the movie, but translated in figure form, it's just weird.

I'm the type that buys variations/duplicates of characters unnecessarily, T-1000 being the most damaging. But I draw the line at naked appearances (like a naked T-800 Arnold) and Nurse Joker here.

That said, if it came with a unique head, gear, and even though I'm really against it, another "regular" purple suited look, I'd probably buy it. That nurse outfit would remain in the box though, I'd never put that out on display. Ever.

Classic moment but not a figure I want at all.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

Yeah I can understand that but I'm sure there's more than enough people willing to display a well made nurse figure
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

Yeah I can understand that but I'm sure there's more than enough people willing to display a well made nurse figure

Oh yeah, no doubt about that. I know I'm in the minority. Even though I wouldn't display it like that, I welcome it if that means another head for another potential version.

It makes sense for it to be the Nurse one too. That's the final look that Hot Toys hasn't done, nor has it seen an officially licensed release. I don't welcome the idea of them milking regular purple suit versions, but even though I wouldn't want Nurse Joker, it totally makes sense and I definitely welcome it.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

Eh, I usually chock that stuff up to insecurities... but it never goes well when I bring that up.

To each his own!
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

Eh, I usually chock that stuff up to insecurities... but it never goes well when I bring that up.

To each his own!

Go on . . .

Usually I'm the Freud of this forum, want me to tell you about my mother?
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

Personally I've NEVER wanted a figure of Nurse Joker. The get up disguise, idea and scene in the movie is great, but it's just not one of those things I'd want in my collection. I remember when those leaked pictures of the Joker in nurse and cop garb were revealed and how cool it was. At the time I didn't even fathom that the Joker would have such disguises.

Then the film came along and that scene was equally great. It's hilarious that he's dressed as a woman to infiltrate the hospital and it's also one of his best scenes (from washing his hands after feeling "contaminated" to his expression when the bombs don't detonate immediately).

However, I wouldn't feel comfortable owning that as a figure because out of context, it's down right strange. It's like having some weird, sexual anime doll practicing cosplay on display in the collection. A tranny Joker figure with a white and pink skirt, that just doesn't fly with me. It works in the film, but not on my shelf if that makes sense. I "get it" and think it's great in the movie, but translated in figure form, it's just weird.
My feelings exactly.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

I love kooky things that make my collection stand out. I'd love a nurse Joker figure.

It would be a really unique figure that would "spice up" my shelf.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

I think the Nurse Joker figure is a must for my shelf. which is why i have invested so much time in my own Nurse Joker custom. I think the Nurse Joker figure is probably the best representation of how how absurd and "insane" (he probably call himself something else ... enlightened lol) I mean he did dress up in a nurse uniform (i think that shows one of his major charactistics on how "off" he is) and is going to blown up a hospital! This figure is a must because in that scene The Joker reveals his entire life philosophy to Harvey in that scene. We learn the most about The Joker in that scene i think. All the other scenes is him using a scare tactic or mind game on a victim or a pseudo story about his scars. The hospital scene is him seeing Harvey at his rock bottom and telling him just how it is and that's how he really feels about and views life. And is the most honest The Joker is about himself and his value in it all. Hell he puts a loaded gun in Dent's hand and gives him the chance to kill him right then and there and i think that says a lot. But I'm an actor so i guess i see it a bit differently than most.

SO all in all
Purple suit joker = best physical representation
Nurse Joker = best mental and internal representation

Nurse Joker is a great figure to have. Its one of my favorite in my collection and its a custom. HT's make a great figure but not so great that I need to get yours!
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