Personally I've NEVER wanted a figure of Nurse Joker. The get up disguise, idea and scene in the movie is great, but it's just not one of those things I'd want in my collection. I remember when those leaked pictures of the Joker in nurse and cop garb were revealed and how cool it was. At the time I didn't even fathom that the Joker would have such disguises.
Then the film came along and that scene was equally great. It's hilarious that he's dressed as a woman to infiltrate the hospital and it's also one of his best scenes (from washing his hands after feeling "contaminated" to his expression when the bombs don't detonate immediately).
However, I wouldn't feel comfortable owning that as a figure because out of context, it's down right strange. It's like having some weird, sexual anime doll practicing cosplay on display in the collection. A tranny Joker figure with a white and pink skirt, that just doesn't fly with me. It works in the film, but not on my shelf if that makes sense. I "get it" and think it's great in the movie, but translated in figure form, it's just weird.