Hot Toys : New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming

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Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

Same reasons he's a must for me

I think the Nurse Joker figure is a must for my shelf. which is why i have invested so much time in my own Nurse Joker custom. I think the Nurse Joker figure is probably the best representation of how how absurd and "insane" (he probably call himself something else ... enlightened lol) I mean he did dress up in a nurse uniform (i think that shows one of his major charactistics on how "off" he is) and is going to blown up a hospital! This figure is a must because in that scene The Joker reveals his entire life philosophy to Harvey in that scene. We learn the most about The Joker in that scene i think. All the other scenes is him using a scare tactic or mind game on a victim or a pseudo story about his scars. The hospital scene is him seeing Harvey at his rock bottom and telling him just how it is and that's how he really feels about and views life. And is the most honest The Joker is about himself and his value in it all. Hell he puts a loaded gun in Dent's hand and gives him the chance to kill him right then and there and i think that says a lot. But I'm an actor so i guess i see it a bit differently than most.

SO all in all
Purple suit joker = best physical representation
Nurse Joker = best mental and internal representation

Nurse Joker is a great figure to have. Its one of my favorite in my collection and its a custom. HT's make a great figure but not so great that I need to get yours!
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

I think the Nurse Joker figure is a must for my shelf. which is why i have invested so much time in my own Nurse Joker custom. I think the Nurse Joker figure is probably the best representation of how how absurd and "insane" (he probably call himself something else ... enlightened lol) I mean he did dress up in a nurse uniform (i think that shows one of his major charactistics on how "off" he is) and is going to blown up a hospital! This figure is a must because in that scene The Joker reveals his entire life philosophy to Harvey in that scene. We learn the most about The Joker in that scene i think. All the other scenes is him using a scare tactic or mind game on a victim or a pseudo story about his scars. The hospital scene is him seeing Harvey at his rock bottom and telling him just how it is and that's how he really feels about and views life. And is the most honest The Joker is about himself and his value in it all. Hell he puts a loaded gun in Dent's hand and gives him the chance to kill him right then and there and i think that says a lot. But I'm an actor so i guess i see it a bit differently than most.

SO all in all
Purple suit joker = best physical representation
Nurse Joker = best mental and internal representation

Nurse Joker is a great figure to have. Its one of my favorite in my collection and its a custom. HT's make a great figure but not so great that I need to get yours!
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

not to get off track but I think everything he says to Harvey is a lie. Not a man with a plan? pft. The only time I think Joker is truthful is to Batman.

But Nurse Joker rocks, was one of the best sequences, and I'm a little surprised Cop Joker was made before it.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

not to get off track but I think everything he says to Harvey is a lie. Not a man with a plan? pft. The only time I think Joker is truthful is to Batman.

But Nurse Joker rocks, was one of the best sequences, and I'm a little surprised Cop Joker was made before it.

The Joker is completely and utterly obsessed with anarchy though. Yeah, He might be a tough cookie I think to figure out. He might say he doesn't have a plan, but on the other hand he does (MCU breakout, turning Harvey) but, who knows. He might have just came up with that on the fly. Or did just on a note. His head is everywhere.

The hospital scene is my second favorite scene in the entire film, Right behind the interrogation scene. I've been wanting a nurse J. for a long time now. I hope we get one, but if we don't I'll be all over kingrayskull's.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

The Joker reveals his entire life philosophy to Harvey in that scene. We learn the most about The Joker in that scene i think. All the other scenes is him using a scare tactic or mind game on a victim or a pseudo story about his scars. The hospital scene is him seeing Harvey at his rock bottom and telling him just how it is and that's how he really feels about and views life. And is the most honest The Joker is about himself and his value in it all.

:dunno I didn't get any of that from that scene.

The Joker is a pathological liar and a master of manipulation. And he shows it best in that scene. Everything he says to Dent is a lie. He lies about killing Rachel, he lies about blowing up/disfiguring Dent, he lies about not being a meticulous planner (which he is, shown throughout the movie with the Bank Robbery, Killing Gamble, the Jail break for Lau, the Ferry Boat, etc.) and he manipulates Dent into seeking "revenge" against not only Gordon/Batman (who had nothing to do with it) but also the people that THE JOKER actually used to kill Rachel/turn Dent into Two-Face.

Hell he puts a loaded gun in Dent's hand and gives him the chance to kill him right then and there and i think that says a lot.

All it says to me is that The Joker is not only homicidal but also suicidal. Which is seen throughout the movie with all the stunts he pulls i.e. no big surprise. :lol
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

:dunno I didn't get any of that from that scene.

The Joker is a pathological liar and a master of manipulation. And he shows it best in that scene. Everything he says to Dent is a lie. He lies about killing Rachel, he lies about blowing up/disfiguring Dent, he lies about not being a meticulous planner (which he is, shown throughout the movie with the Bank Robbery, Killing Gamble, the Jail break for Lau, the Ferry Boat, etc.) and he manipulates Dent into seeking "revenge" against not only Gordon/Batman (who had nothing to do with it) but also the people that THE JOKER actually used to kill Rachel/turn Dent into Two-Face.

All it says to me is that The Joker is not only homicidal but also suicidal. Which is seen throughout the movie with all the stunts he pulls i.e. no big surprise. :lol

:nono You're gonna make the Joker psychos cry. :tap
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

No news about it yet?
I really hope they will include on the v2 all the dx01 contenct+ Nurse outfit+ a diorama base (dollars pyramid could be very cool imho)
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

I think the Nurse Joker figure is a must for my shelf. which is why i have invested so much time in my own Nurse Joker custom. I think the Nurse Joker figure is probably the best representation of how how absurd and "insane" (he probably call himself something else ... enlightened lol) I mean he did dress up in a nurse uniform (i think that shows one of his major charactistics on how "off" he is) and is going to blown up a hospital! This figure is a must because in that scene The Joker reveals his entire life philosophy to Harvey in that scene. We learn the most about The Joker in that scene i think. All the other scenes is him using a scare tactic or mind game on a victim or a pseudo story about his scars. The hospital scene is him seeing Harvey at his rock bottom and telling him just how it is and that's how he really feels about and views life. And is the most honest The Joker is about himself and his value in it all. Hell he puts a loaded gun in Dent's hand and gives him the chance to kill him right then and there and i think that says a lot. But I'm an actor so i guess i see it a bit differently than most.

SO all in all
Purple suit joker = best physical representation
Nurse Joker = best mental and internal representation

Nurse Joker is a great figure to have. Its one of my favorite in my collection and its a custom. HT's make a great figure but not so great that I need to get yours!

Same reasons he's a must for me

The Joker is completely and utterly obsessed with anarchy though. Yeah, He might be a tough cookie I think to figure out. He might say he doesn't have a plan, but on the other hand he does (MCU breakout, turning Harvey) but, who knows. He might have just came up with that on the fly. Or did just on a note. His head is everywhere.

The hospital scene is my second favorite scene in the entire film, Right behind the interrogation scene. I've been wanting a nurse J. for a long time now. I hope we get one, but if we don't I'll be all over kingrayskull's.

:dunno I didn't get any of that from that scene.

The Joker is a pathological liar and a master of manipulation. And he shows it best in that scene. Everything he says to Dent is a lie. He lies about killing Rachel, he lies about blowing up/disfiguring Dent, he lies about not being a meticulous planner (which he is, shown throughout the movie with the Bank Robbery, Killing Gamble, the Jail break for Lau, the Ferry Boat, etc.) and he manipulates Dent into seeking "revenge" against not only Gordon/Batman (who had nothing to do with it) but also the people that THE JOKER actually used to kill Rachel/turn Dent into Two-Face.

All it says to me is that The Joker is not only homicidal but also suicidal. Which is seen throughout the movie with all the stunts he pulls i.e. no big surprise. :lol

I saw The Dark Knight a few weeks ago and fell in love with Heath Ledger’s version of The Joker. He was dark but funny, psychotic yet calculated, perverted yet… perverted. Watching him wreak havoc on the streets of Gothom City was confronting because, in many ways, he reminded me of myself. I’m sure a lot of people felt the same.

Why the Joker reminded me of myself?
Let me get this clear. The Joker didn’t remind me of myself because I take pleasure in killing people. I don’t. In fact, my friends will tell you that I am not even that fantastic watching overly violent movies. So it wasn’t the murderer part of him that did it. What about the guy who likes to cause chaos for no reason other than that he likes to see people suffer? Nope. Not that either.

So why did the Joker remind me of myself? When I was sitting in the cinema watching the Joker licking his lips and blowing up the District Attorney I couldn’t help but feel some connection. But why? Maybe it has something to do with this quote:

“Don’t talk like one of them, you’re not! Even if you’d like to be. To them, you’re just a freak–like me. They need you right now. When they don’t…they’ll cast you out. Like a leper. See, their morals, their code: it’s a bad joke. They’re dropped at the first sign of trouble. They’re only as good as the world allows them to be. You’ll see, when the chips are down these civilized people will eat each other.”

And I think that’s where the connection came from. I felt a little bit guilty. This crazy madman was speaking words that made sense to me. And the fact that Heath Ledger delivered them in the most amazing piece of “acting” I have seen in a long time made it all the more powerful.

You see, I am a little bit like one of those people he is talking about. It is quite easy to be a nice and kind and compassionate person when it is sunny and warm outside. But when things start to look grey and aren’t going my way I seem to lose that sense of morality. I snap. I am impatient. I am selfish. And that was the Joker’s main ambition in life – to prove that when there is chaos people will “eat each other”.

But what about Batman?
Batman, on the other hand, was the exact opposite. He believed in the good in people. He thought that, when under pressure, people would choose to do the right thing. Whatever you want to call it – divinity, buddha nature, inherent purity, etc. – Batman believed in it and he wanted to embody it. He wanted to be a physical manifestation of that inner goodness to show people that they could do the same.

And that is what I believe. Deep down I know that the basic nature of a human being is goodness. It is not evil.

But that is not what freaked me out about the Joker. As far as I can tell the Joker never said that the basic nature of humans was evil. No. What he said was that when the chips are down they would “eat each other”. And that concerns me.

I often wonder whether I would choose to do the right thing if the chips were down. Would I put other people before myself in a crisis or would I just work to save my own skin? I’d like to think that I would be a “Batman”. But as I sat in that cinema and watched Heath Ledger taunt Batman with these questions a little bit of fear crept in to my mind. I was afraid he was right.

So… the chips are down… are you Batman or are you the Joker?

Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

I saw The Dark Knight a few weeks ago and fell in love with Heath Ledger’s version of The Joker. He was dark but funny, psychotic yet calculated, perverted yet… perverted. Watching him wreak havoc on the streets of Gothom City was confronting because, in many ways, he reminded me of myself. I’m sure a lot of people felt the same.

Why the Joker reminded me of myself?
Let me get this clear. The Joker didn’t remind me of myself because I take pleasure in killing people. I don’t. In fact, my friends will tell you that I am not even that fantastic watching overly violent movies. So it wasn’t the murderer part of him that did it. What about the guy who likes to cause chaos for no reason other than that he likes to see people suffer? Nope. Not that either.

So why did the Joker remind me of myself? When I was sitting in the cinema watching the Joker licking his lips and blowing up the District Attorney I couldn’t help but feel some connection. But why? Maybe it has something to do with this quote:

And I think that’s where the connection came from. I felt a little bit guilty. This crazy madman was speaking words that made sense to me. And the fact that Heath Ledger delivered them in the most amazing piece of “acting” I have seen in a long time made it all the more powerful.

You see, I am a little bit like one of those people he is talking about. It is quite easy to be a nice and kind and compassionate person when it is sunny and warm outside. But when things start to look grey and aren’t going my way I seem to lose that sense of morality. I snap. I am impatient. I am selfish. And that was the Joker’s main ambition in life – to prove that when there is chaos people will “eat each other”.

But what about Batman?
Batman, on the other hand, was the exact opposite. He believed in the good in people. He thought that, when under pressure, people would choose to do the right thing. Whatever you want to call it – divinity, buddha nature, inherent purity, etc. – Batman believed in it and he wanted to embody it. He wanted to be a physical manifestation of that inner goodness to show people that they could do the same.

And that is what I believe. Deep down I know that the basic nature of a human being is goodness. It is not evil.

But that is not what freaked me out about the Joker. As far as I can tell the Joker never said that the basic nature of humans was evil. No. What he said was that when the chips are down they would “eat each other”. And that concerns me.

I often wonder whether I would choose to do the right thing if the chips were down. Would I put other people before myself in a crisis or would I just work to save my own skin? I’d like to think that I would be a “Batman”. But as I sat in that cinema and watched Heath Ledger taunt Batman with these questions a little bit of fear crept in to my mind. I was afraid he was right.

So… the chips are down… are you Batman or are you the Joker?


Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

I saw The Dark Knight a few weeks ago and fell in love with Heath Ledger’s version of The Joker. He was dark but funny, psychotic yet calculated, perverted yet… perverted. Watching him wreak havoc on the streets of Gothom City was confronting because, in many ways, he reminded me of myself. I’m sure a lot of people felt the same.

Why the Joker reminded me of myself?
Let me get this clear. The Joker didn’t remind me of myself because I take pleasure in killing people. I don’t. In fact, my friends will tell you that I am not even that fantastic watching overly violent movies. So it wasn’t the murderer part of him that did it. What about the guy who likes to cause chaos for no reason other than that he likes to see people suffer? Nope. Not that either.

So why did the Joker remind me of myself? When I was sitting in the cinema watching the Joker licking his lips and blowing up the District Attorney I couldn’t help but feel some connection. But why? Maybe it has something to do with this quote:

And I think that’s where the connection came from. I felt a little bit guilty. This crazy madman was speaking words that made sense to me. And the fact that Heath Ledger delivered them in the most amazing piece of “acting” I have seen in a long time made it all the more powerful.

You see, I am a little bit like one of those people he is talking about. It is quite easy to be a nice and kind and compassionate person when it is sunny and warm outside. But when things start to look grey and aren’t going my way I seem to lose that sense of morality. I snap. I am impatient. I am selfish. And that was the Joker’s main ambition in life – to prove that when there is chaos people will “eat each other”.

But what about Batman?
Batman, on the other hand, was the exact opposite. He believed in the good in people. He thought that, when under pressure, people would choose to do the right thing. Whatever you want to call it – divinity, buddha nature, inherent purity, etc. – Batman believed in it and he wanted to embody it. He wanted to be a physical manifestation of that inner goodness to show people that they could do the same.

And that is what I believe. Deep down I know that the basic nature of a human being is goodness. It is not evil.

But that is not what freaked me out about the Joker. As far as I can tell the Joker never said that the basic nature of humans was evil. No. What he said was that when the chips are down they would “eat each other”. And that concerns me.

I often wonder whether I would choose to do the right thing if the chips were down. Would I put other people before myself in a crisis or would I just work to save my own skin? I’d like to think that I would be a “Batman”. But as I sat in that cinema and watched Heath Ledger taunt Batman with these questions a little bit of fear crept in to my mind. I was afraid he was right.

So… the chips are down… are you Batman or are you the Joker?



No wonder they supply alcohol now. :slap
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

:dunno I didn't get any of that from that scene.

The Joker is a pathological liar and a master of manipulation. And he shows it best in that scene. Everything he says to Dent is a lie. He lies about killing Rachel, he lies about blowing up/disfiguring Dent, he lies about not being a meticulous planner (which he is, shown throughout the movie with the Bank Robbery, Killing Gamble, the Jail break for Lau, the Ferry Boat, etc.) and he manipulates Dent into seeking "revenge" against not only Gordon/Batman (who had nothing to do with it) but also the people that THE JOKER actually used to kill Rachel/turn Dent into Two-Face.

All it says to me is that The Joker is not only homicidal but also suicidal. Which is seen throughout the movie with all the stunts he pulls i.e. no big surprise. :lol
Psh. That's exactly what Joker wants suckers like you to think, and you fell for it.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

What he said was that when the chips are down they would “eat each other”. And that concerns me.

So… the chips are down… are you Batman or are you the Joker?


I feel Nolan answers this in the final act with the whole save yourself by blowing up the other ship or get blown up by Joker. :dunno
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

OK. So would Joker blow up the other boat, or. . .allow himself to be blown up? He was a suicidal mad man, after all. Personally, I think he is more likely to orchestrate a scenario where others play that out. Seeing as how that's what he did in the movie and whatnot.

Having said that, I would choose to blow up myself and the other boat. So who does that make me? Hopefully Egghead.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

OK. So would Joker blow up the other boat, or. . .allow himself to be blown up? He was a suicidal mad man, after all. Personally, I think he is more likely to orchestrate a scenario where others play that out. Seeing as how that's what he did in the movie and whatnot.

Having said that, I would choose to blow up myself and the other boat. So who does that make me? Hopefully Egghead.

I don't think Joker wanted to blow himself up. He asks the people to make a choice and if one doesn't blow up the other ship he'll blow both of them.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

He asks the people to make a choice and if one doesn't blow up the other ship he'll blow both of them.
Waitaminute. . .so what you're saying is that Batman is different in that he would. . .choose to blow up one of the ferries pre-emptively? That makes sense, actually. He would probably blow up the one with civvies since he coddles bad guys so much.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

Waitaminute. . .so what you're saying is that Batman is different in that he would. . .choose to blow up one of the ferries pre-emptively? That makes sense, actually. He would probably blow up the one with civvies since he coddles bad guys so much.

No, I'm saying the point was that people in both ships chose 'good' i.e. not to blow each other up when the chips were down. Batman wouldn't blow up anyone - that is his one rule - he doesn't take lives.

Scene for reference.

[ame=""]Dark Knight-Ferry scene - YouTube[/ame]

Back to the subject. I don't care what TDK Joker 2.0 ends up being - it will end up on my shelf.
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