The only people talking trash in this thread are the people that claim to know every detail of a movie they haven't seen.
The people that claim to have access to a leaked script of scripts from PREDATORS are fooling you and themselves.
The only leaked scripts of this film were designed to throw the 'spoilers' types off the track and make them look stupid.
Deal with it, you've been fooled if you believe that they know everything because they have the 'script'.
Please, post the script (s) so we can all see them for the fakes they are when the movie comes out officially.
I bet they don't post the scripts because that would be a one way ticket to FAIL land.
Now either get yourselves to an advanced screening (like I have) or wait till the movie comes out to find out who the FAKES in this thread are.
Save the insults, or at least have something funny to say that will give us a good laugh.
You guys haven't even seen the movie... Your entire 'argument' revolves around a 'leaked' script that was out months ago, etc.
The leaked script (s) were deliberately released so that people like you (who think they know it all) would make fools of themselves on message boards.
So you wouldn't try ruining the movie before people had seen it.
Get it through your heads, the leaked scripts are 99% fake. Why would anyone believe what a bunch of kids have to say about an unreleased movie, why would we think otherwise, c'mon.
When the movie comes out, it will be obvious that the only facts you guys had were what was official released to the media by FOX, etc.
You guys aren't movie insiders, despite your desperate attempt to fool other people into thinking you are.
If FOX was that stupid, you guys would be making this movie.
You have nothing to do with it at all, you're just the fake spoiler bait.
You fell into their spoiler-trap, simple as that.
Don't get angry about it, insulting people etc, it's all your fault.
You know it makes sense!
Just wait and see.