Hot Toys Phantom Menace Jar Jar Binks

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Nah. I still hate the prequels, they ruined Star Wars for me after seeing Episode I (I couldn’t even stomach watching the OT for close to 15 years because of those films), and only ever watched 2 and 3 after they came out on DVD (foolishly hoping they’d get better… they did not). Someone should have smacked Lucas in the head with a golf club for those abominations. Crap writing, crap acting (mostly by Hayden and that goofy kid they got to play young Ani… even Portman was terrible). And this character… sheesh! I kept hoping someone would just cut this things head off and hang it up in Jabba’s palace. Even the truly abysmal sequels haven’t changed my opinion of the prequels being garbage. The only positive is all the new characters and designs, but Lucas chose to kill off (and/or give less screen time) to those characters, so he could retcon his own franchise, and focus on the cringy love story between Anakin and “child predator” Padme. I’ve purchased plenty of stuff from the prequels, and still have no love for them, mainly because they look cool. Thankfully, having never watched those movies more than once, I can distance myself from all the suck as I’ve forced most of it out of my mind.
Lol. A wall of txt essentially saying how much you hate SW. 😂

The PT definitely turned some folks off back then, I remember it well.
Crap writing, crap acting (mostly by Hayden and that goofy kid they got to play young Ani… even Portman was terrible).
I had an easier time buying young Ani, to be honest. He was a little wooden at times, but he did alright for a young actor. And the character handled himself well enough to move the plot forward while still having moments of understandably childish recklessness. In a nutshell, he was a 9 year-old acting 12.

Older Anakin was a 19 year-old acting 7. That's a bigger problem IMO and we have Lucas to blame. Everyone felt awkward except McDiarmid because his character was cartoony enough to suit Lucas' writing style.
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Okay, time to get serious on this figure. The following have been established:

1. It is possible to want this figure but still hate TPM and/or the PT because by most accounts JarJar is a somewhat cool SW creature design. The character is also ironic-iconic (in the Alanis Morrisette way) so comparing hot-button lightning-rod JarJar to potential figures of Twitter-controversial snore-bores like Rose or Holdo goes nowhere.

2. This is arguably the most shocking/unusual 1/6 figure reveal of all time, for example an enduring Aprils Fools meme on here hinged on the complete absurdity of a high-end 1/6 JarJar reveal.

3. The sculpt and look of the figure is amazingly well executed, if a little shiny (HT rubber already deteriorating?:horror:lol) - even if arguably undeservedly so given its of such a widely maligned character.

4. This figure is going to be a massive gamble with it being 90%+ made of HT seamless rubber and clothed in HT pleather - both of which even today have huge deterioration issues despite so many years for the issues to be fixed.

5. This is a somewhat unique humanoid figure for HT in that it appears to be a mostly single-piece silicon figure, with no visible joints between head, neck and torso. Just hands and presumably feet as hard plastic. You would assume this would be more expensive to develop (given it is unique to JarJar) than doing a regular plastic/jointed version, making it more likely this sees release.

6. Even despite the deluge of PT HT love of the past few years and all of the above, it is more than possible it never goes up for PO given the 25 years of deep, multi-angle controversy of JarJar and a theoretical severe lack of interest in a figure (see April Fools meme.)

7. If put up for PO, this fig will sorely test the "final anointing/elevation/appreciation of the PT due to hatred/failure/implosion of the ST" theory. If JarJar can be resurrected and given respect/due, then the PT's journey toward OT canon will be complete. "Take your JarJar figure. Strike OT purists down with all of their hatred..." :rotfl
The ST made folk appreciate more the good elements of the PT but it didn't make them suddenly good. The PT is still rubbish but its strong points (originality, designs, world building, VFX technique envelope pushing, scale etc) are areas the ST failed miserably at, which shows just how poorly made the ST was. Jar Jar is still a terrible character but at the same time is iconic, representing that era of Star Wars and the birth of full CGI characters, while at the same time a meme all of his own.

There is also the growing love for Ahmed Best after all of his struggles so while people may not have warmed up to Jar Jar they may be more willing to support Jar Jar products in support of the actor.

For me, I would buy this figure if it weren't made of rubber and pleather. I would prefer visible joints or even limited posability (no elbow joints) if it meant more longevity/durability and cheaper price. The character could make for so many funny displays, like a shelf of comic relief characters or a shelf of movie rejects. He could photobomb any figure. If HT is all rubberised then I will just track down a Hasbro Jar Jar instead so I can have one. Despite hating the character I liked the design and it does trigger nostalgia for those earlier years when Star Wars was returning.
Whatever you might think of the character, it's a very good sculpt.
(and the Gungans were great design work, which I think people find difficult to see through the "noise" of how they were portrayed on film. Same for the BattleDroids.)

I don't honestly think this will make it to production, but Hot Toys has done crazier things. I suppose for the people who want a main hero lineup for TPM, it won't be complete without Jar Jar. He is a main driving force in the story, and I'm pretty sure he's got more screen time than Obi-Wan did in ANH.
He’s in the site now, he will come out bc prequel figures sell. Disney figures dont
Okay, time to get serious on this figure. The following have been established:

1. It is possible to want this figure but still hate TPM and/or the PT because by most accounts JarJar is a somewhat cool SW creature design. The character is also ironic-iconic (in the Alanis Morrisette way) so comparing hot-button lightning-rod JarJar to potential figures of Twitter-controversial snore-bores like Rose or Holdo goes nowhere.

2. This is arguably the most shocking/unusual 1/6 figure reveal of all time, for example an enduring Aprils Fools meme on here hinged on the complete absurdity of a high-end 1/6 JarJar reveal.

3. The sculpt and look of the figure is amazingly well executed, if a little shiny (HT rubber already deteriorating?:horror:lol) - even if arguably undeservedly so given its of such a widely maligned character.

4. This figure is going to be a massive gamble with it being 90%+ made of HT seamless rubber and clothed in HT pleather - both of which even today have huge deterioration issues despite so many years for the issues to be fixed.

5. This is a somewhat unique humanoid figure for HT in that it appears to be a mostly single-piece silicon figure, with no visible joints between head, neck and torso. Just hands and presumably feet as hard plastic. You would assume this would be more expensive to develop (given it is unique to JarJar) than doing a regular plastic/jointed version, making it more likely this sees release.

6. Even despite the deluge of PT HT love of the past few years and all of the above, it is more than possible it never goes up for PO given the 25 years of deep, multi-angle controversy of JarJar and a theoretical severe lack of interest in a figure (see April Fools meme.)

7. If put up for PO, this fig will sorely test the "final anointing/elevation/appreciation of the PT due to hatred/failure/implosion of the ST" theory. If JarJar can be resurrected and given respect/due, then the PT's journey toward OT canon will be complete. "Take your JarJar figure. Strike OT purists down with all of their hatred..." :rotfl
Hot toys knows what they are doing. Testing the waters for this. They know sales could be hit or miss. Pt love is high right now as a lot of us ot purists leave the hobby. Watch it be a limited release and explode in price on the secondary market. Slap a limited sticker on anything and you get a frenzy, in most cases.
A tad dramatiic :lol. I hate the sequels but I don't let them ruin the parts of Star Wars that I love, it's not that serious.

I have similar thoughts lol. Whenever I read that a certain part of the saga ruined Star Wars for them or their childhood, I can’t help but laugh.

It isn’t the end of the world lol. I don’t like most of the Disney stuff or the ST but wont let that ruin my love for OT, PT and TCW.
I have similar thoughts lol. Whenever I read that a certain part of the saga ruined Star Wars for them or their childhood, I can’t help but laugh.

It isn’t the end of the world lol. I don’t like most of the Disney stuff or the ST but wont let that ruin my love for OT, PT and TCW.
Eh, shut up and step aside you old, toxic neck-beard man-baby fan. Who cares what you think.
- sincerely, Disney/LFL/new creators :monkey3 :rotfl
Nah. I still hate the prequels, they ruined Star Wars for me after seeing Episode I (I couldn’t even stomach watching the OT for close to 15 years because of those films), and only ever watched 2 and 3 after they came out on DVD (foolishly hoping they’d get better… they did not). Someone should have smacked Lucas in the head with a golf club for those abominations. Crap writing, crap acting (mostly by Hayden and that goofy kid they got to play young Ani… even Portman was terrible). And this character… sheesh! I kept hoping someone would just cut this things head off and hang it up in Jabba’s palace. Even the truly abysmal sequels haven’t changed my opinion of the prequels being garbage. The only positive is all the new characters and designs, but Lucas chose to kill off (and/or give less screen time) to those characters, so he could retcon his own franchise, and focus on the cringy love story between Anakin and “child predator” Padme. I’ve purchased plenty of stuff from the prequels, and still have no love for them, mainly because they look cool. Thankfully, having never watched those movies more than once, I can distance myself from all the suck as I’ve forced most of it out of my mind.ed 2 and 3 after they came out on DVD (foolishly hoping they’d get better… they did not). Someone should have smacked Lu
Posed like that I'd give the figure about 18 months to two years before the tiny tear/rip appears in both armpit and elbow.:(

And the outfit is 90% pleather. If this gets a release it has a high probability of becoming one of "those" HT figures.:gah: