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OMG I just noticed his GD tongue is actually hangin out??????

Holy hell.....

That's just obscene ....
It seems they moved from pleather to nylon on several figures lately. It may not be more time proof than pleather but gives hope for more durability.
This figure looks stupidly good, better than the CG character. The teeth, the skin textures, everything is so well done.
He looks like he's about to give a speech with that light looking like a microphone. Jar Jar for POTUS 2024 campaign begins. I know the rest of the world would see that as an improvement :monkey3

wasn't he made a senator in one of the movies?

He looks like he's about to give a speech with that light looking like a microphone. Jar Jar for POTUS 2024 campaign begins. I know the rest of the world would see that as an improvement :monkey3

Because the rest of the world is doing sooo well.:monkey3 Let's face it - JarJar as Supreme Chancellor of the planet would probably be an improvement:rotfl
Jar Jar Binks + little Ani
Battle Droid with STAP
Padawan Obi
Queen Amidala

those will conclude the TPM anniversary
Because the rest of the world is doing sooo well.:monkey3 Let's face it - JarJar as Supreme Chancellor of the planet would probably be an improvement:rotfl
Oh the whole thing is a dumpster fire so perhaps it would be.
Jar Jar Binks + little Ani
Battle Droid with STAP
Padawan Obi
Queen Amidala

those will conclude the TPM anniversary
That’s a perfect lineup. No need for anything else. I would like a watto for some reason. You know that battle droid is on the way soon. I’m also very skeptical about padawan kenobi and queen amidala. I could just see hot toys screwing us.
Surprised by how much the Play Toy Queen Amidala is going for. It cost me about £100 with p&p added when it was released early this year.
Shows to HT there is a market for her then.