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After thinking about it, I’ve really cooled on prequel figures and collecting in general. Phantom Menace figures are bottom of the detolf displays for me, no matter what. I would still get them because I’m mentally unstable, but I’m starting to not care. Too many releases, too many exclusives, too many reissues, and ridiculous prices are ruining the hobby for me. The only figures I’m somewhat excited for are the sideshow aliens (terribly overpriced but they have me by the plums), Chewbacca (ridiculously overpriced, should have had a version without c3) and Han. I need to go home, take some death sticks, and rethink my life.
After thinking about it, I’ve really cooled on prequel figures and collecting in general. Phantom Menace figures are bottom of the detolf displays for me, no matter what. I would still get them because I’m mentally unstable, but I’m starting to not care. Too many releases, too many exclusives, too many reissues, and ridiculous prices are ruining the hobby for me. The only figures I’m somewhat excited for are the sideshow aliens (terribly overpriced but they have me by the plums), Chewbacca (ridiculously overpriced, should have had a version without c3) and Han. I need to go home, take some death sticks, and rethink my life.

I totally agree there. Too many figures and I’m also scaling back. I’m more of an OT guy and am concentrating on those (very few) releases.

That being said, I still want the most iconic prequel figures - one shelf per move. And for me TPM is Maul, Jar Jar, Qui-Gon and OOM-9.