My initial reaction was one of exhaustion to be honest. "Really? I thought I was almost done with Predator, I thought I had almost everything I could possibly want - now they're going to pull me in with superior remakes and 1/4 scale versions all over again" Its financially daunting at a time when I should be cutting down, drastically - not buying even more. However, thinking about it, its already created a priority shift in my head that may actually get me more money now and make me spend less in the future. It might not be so bad in terms of money provided I proceed with what I'm thinking right now - selling more figures, cancelling others and sticking only to P1 and P2, the childhood favourites. Predator is heavily diluted now with the third film and the AvPs. P1 and P2 releases should be pretty thin and spread over a more manageable amount of time.