Hot Toys Predators - Classic Predator - Official Specs and Pic

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Re: Hot Toys Predators - Classic Predator - MMS?

Pending final details i may just keep my bone trophies and sell my original Predator and get this...

Yet somehow, i will feel like i am lying to myself by calling this the "First" predator when i will know it's from a movie i didn't really like all that much...

Looks cool though...

Oh what to do...

Re: Hot Toys Predators - Classic Predator - MMS?

lol...$50 for a little piece of blue plastic. Sounds about right.

I know, right :( Everyone knows I was being sarcastic, but everyone also knows that's about the way it is with HT and their pricing :monkey1
Re: Hot Toys Predators - Classic Predator - MMS?

What's really effin' sad about that comment is that just a year or two ago people were saying "the days of $130 preds are long gone". Its sick how quickly prices have skyrocketed, but how quickly collectors are to accept them.
i'm fine with it as long as quality improves. these new preds make the old ones look like Hasbro toys. hell, i'd pay $400 for them.
Re: Hot Toys Predators - Classic Predator - MMS?

i'm fine with it as long as quality improves. these new preds make the old ones look like Hasbro toys. hell, i'd pay $400 for them.

Shh! Hot Toys patrols these threads and looks for comments like these, so they know it's okay to jack their prices up again.
Re: Hot Toys Predators - Classic Predator - MMS?

where and when is the per-order for this?
Re: Hot Toys Predators - Classic Predator - MMS?

i'm fine with it as long as quality improves. these new preds make the old ones look like Hasbro toys. hell, i'd pay $400 for them.

$400? You go ahead and give me $400 and I be sure to send u one!!
Re: Hot Toys Predators - Classic Predator - MMS?

Hot Toys hasn't even released the official specs and pictures. So it's not for pre-order yet.
Re: Hot Toys Predators - Classic Predator - MMS?

The head looks the same as the predator 1 predator. Dreads are longer though.

Nah it looks different to me. Better different. They aren't ___king around with this figure. He looks really fantastic.
Re: Hot Toys Predators - Classic Predator - MMS?

cant wait to see official specs on this .
Re: Hot Toys Predators - Classic Predator - MMS?

Nah it looks different to me. Better different. They aren't ___king around with this figure. He looks really fantastic.

:exactly: ..still think i'm crazy for buying Baloo's mask without having the p1?:lol

..although hot toys mask does look better then the previous one.
Re: Hot Toys Predators - Classic Predator - MMS?

:exactly: ..still think i'm crazy for buying Baloo's mask without having the p1?:lol

..although hot toys mask does look better then the previous one.

Well I hope it fits the new face and is overall the right size for the new head. Baloo was very specific in his making of the inside of his mask and he designed it specifically for the original HT P1 face. I definitely think this new face is different. Basically I hope, if anything, its case of using a bit of bluetack to attach it to Classic's face as opposed to needing anything to be shaved off either the inside of his mask or on the Classic Predator figure itself. Worse comes to worse though you can sell Baloo's mask. I'm sure original P1 owners will want it.
Re: Hot Toys Predators - Classic Predator - MMS?

Well I hope it fits the new face and is overall the right size for the new head. Baloo was very specific in his making of the inside of his mask and he designed it specifically for the original HT P1 face. I definitely think this new face is different. Basically I hope, if anything, its case of using a bit of bluetack to attach it to Classic's face as opposed to needing anything to be shaved off either the inside of his mask or on the Classic Predator figure itself. Worse comes to worse though you can sell Baloo's mask. I'm sure original P1 owners will want it.

I'm not to worried about that ..i will use bluetack if i must, and ya i can always sell it if worse comes to worst.
Re: Hot Toys Predators - Classic Predator - MMS?

the anime con advert looks great. Can't wait for the official specs with preorder details!:clap
Re: Hot Toys Predators - Classic Predator - MMS?

maybe tonite maybe next week.

I hope so. I've only recently gotten into buying predator figures but I want all the new ones.
Re: Hot Toys Predators - Classic Predator - MMS?

Im ____ing getting sick of everyone who is bashing the old P1... He was a stand up figure then... Everyone for the must part was happy with it this is not P1 its Classic Predator... I dont get the looking down on old HT figures ether your buying HT figures today that other people will look down on them later... Guess I dont care though... Looking down on toys is BELOW me... IMO
Re: Hot Toys Predators - Classic Predator - MMS?

I don't think everyone is looking down on the figure, more like making a comparison. And of course the newer one will be better because like all artists, one must improve. I would love to own the original P1 but he's just not in my budget. I don't even mind the way his bio looks. It's not perfect but it still looks good.
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