Hot Toys: Prometheus - MOVIE SPOILERS!

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For me (a girl, if that's of any importance to you) Vickers was by far the most interesting and most understandable character. All her actions make sense once her relationship to Weyland is reveiled. She is like an open book from that point. You can even imagine how her childhood must have been.
Cahrlize Theron's acting was at least equal to Fassbender's and better than the rest's. It was much more subtle though and you really needed to pay attention to notice all of her nuances.

Vickers was more of a Ripley than Shaw will ever be.

I am actually really disappointed, because after the "The girl who..." films I had a good feeling Noomi Rapace would shine in this movie as well.
Imho she just did not have the presence or the charisma or whatever you wanna call it to carry a movie of these dimensions.

So Vickers and maybe David as a second are the only figures I would ever want from this film.
For me (a girl, if that's of any importance to you) Vickers was by far the most interesting and most understandable character. All her actions make sense once her relationship to Weyland is reveiled. She is like an open book from that point. You can even imagine how her childhood must have been.
Cahrlize Theron's acting was at least equal to Fassbender's and better than the rest's.
Sorry, but that is just absolutely insane. She had TERRIBLE acting in many scenes. I was surprised considering how popular of an actress she is.

Like the scene where she's giving Charlie and Shaw the lecture about not communicating with the engineers, only reporting back to her..that was just horrible. I cringed in each of my five viewings during that scene. :lol

Even the two co-pilots or whatever the hell they were, Chance and Ravel, did a much better job than her. I'd actually like figures of them.

I'd never heard of Logan Marshall Green before Prometheus...and all of the trolls in the Prometheus movie thread *****ed and moaned about how horrible he was going to be...but I thought he was one of the best actors in the film. There was not one moment where he came out of character.

Fassbender is so overrated. I like him, he's a good actor, he nailed David..but I don't see what's so "special" about him and never have TBH.

I've never thought Noomi's acting was spectacular, but she is very good and was in Prometheus.

Idris Elba, like Logan Marshall Green, was just about perfect in his role IMO. I think those two had the most skilled and believable acting followed by Fassbender and Rapace.

For the backgroundish characters, Benedict Wong and Emun Elliott deserve some recognition.
For me (a girl, if that's of any importance to you) Vickers was by far the most interesting and most understandable character. All her actions make sense once her relationship to Weyland is reveiled. She is like an open book from that point. You can even imagine how her childhood must have been.
Cahrlize Theron's acting was at least equal to Fassbender's and better than the rest's. It was much more subtle though and you really needed to pay attention to notice all of her nuances.

Vickers was more of a Ripley than Shaw will ever be.

I am actually really disappointed, because after the "The girl who..." films I had a good feeling Noomi Rapace would shine in this movie as well.
Imho she just did not have the presence or the charisma or whatever you wanna call it to carry a movie of these dimensions.

So Vickers and maybe David as a second are the only figures I would ever want from this film.

Theron, as smoking hot as she is, did a decent job with a forgettable character. Fassbender stole the show as usual. Seriously , he's about 15 times better than any actor going around in big budget generic movie's.

Rapace did a good job with the material.
I too liked Vickers much bette ras a character than Shaw. She was much more believable. Shaw and her silly boyfriend were annoying and not very believable at times. Not terrible as characters, but just not terribly well written...
As far as acting, I liked Theron's acting, it was the script/dialogue that wasn't terribly good IMHO.

As far as figures go, I'm sure (if HT goes ahead with this line) that we'll see Shaw, Vickers, David and maybe two Engineers, one with suit and the other (maybe as an exclusive) from the opening.

And one last thing: you can say what you like, but in a Sci-Fi/Horror movie, the monster/alien always is the protagonist.
Apparently Hot Toys Community France (I think) had exclusive info that the first figure being released is Shaw.

Shaw in the new HT "Baby Doll" body, Vickers in the HT "Catwoman" body, both seem like likely releases. HT has to develop just one space suit and backpack/helmet accessory and that can take care of several figures. Give Vickers that flame thrower and Shaw whatever...presto....RELEASE!

I hope......
All I want from this is the Engineer in space suite and maybe David. Unless Shaw and Victors come with a cool space suite and accessoris, I won't be interested in much else.

But then, there's always the Deacon....
Has there any any update from HT or even the rumor mill overseas on this line?

Is it dead? Is it happening? The movie just opened (successfully) in Japan and the BR/DVD release is imminent over

Throw us a crumb, HT? PLEASE!
Just read the posts regarding the possibility of Shaw being released first. While it's an odd choice, I'm definitely interested in seeing how she turns out. HT has a habit of really crapping out on their female sculpts, but Rapace has a very unique facial structure so maybe we'll get lucky with the sculpt. Depending on how she (and David) turn out, I might be persuaded to buy them. At the moment, the Engineer is my only must-buy.
I just hope they don't release Rapace and David, then see sales not being so good, and not release anything else. Watchmen anybody??

I need a suited Engineer in his cockpit dammit!
My wife was in a bad mood the weekend I was suppose to see this, so I still haven't seen it. I will never be able to see it in theaters now. I will never forgive her for this. Waiting for the dvd release...
My wife was in a bad mood the weekend I was suppose to see this, so I still haven't seen it. I will never be able to see it in theaters now. I will never forgive her for this. Waiting for the dvd release...

See it without her.:lol