its actually not that low quality, ive worked in materials from cloth to fuax furs, leathers, even mineral and metals and plastics, this is a material called Boca flex it is fuax and not actual leather but it is a chemically treated leather thats used mostly for fuax leather couches and sofa's, and as long as it is properly treated, which there are very simple, very inexpensive ways to treat and clean a figure like this and will only take about 5 mins and only needs to be done once a year..the concern comes in for those who display collections in sunlight, or dry areas or areas of high humidity without having teh enviroment climtae controlled.
If these faux leathers can be used on couched and with stand sitting. sleeping, clothing and pets rubbing on them they can easily have longevity on a figure, now it will infact eventually break down but were talking 30-50 years at the least and about 5 to 10 years if never clean or conditioned. I think its actually a fairly high grade fux material. And have no problem adding this to my collection. Again it all comes down to the enviroment in which its displayed. I will say smoking and other elements will break it down quicker so keep in mind only becuase a lot of collectors surpringly are smokers or have smokers in their home, this is also detrimental to figures with cloth, clothing as it will never come out 100% if trying to remove the smell or discoloration.