Wow! Stunning pics, guys. Masterpiece is a good way to describe it.
Anything else to give a good going over when I pull him out this weekend? I know some people had some issues with the power buttons on the belt boxes. Any other QC issues anywhere to look out for?
i`m currently resculpting the eye lids on the 1/6 esb vader right now. what i need to know is the color under the eye lids are they black or is it gun metal like the tops of the eye lids are.
Yeah the non-blinking lights is a neat way to alert you about the low batteries. I like that. He looks great with all the lights on as well.
Here?s another one:
Nice background. Is that a painting behind him?
For those who's chest box lights have frozen and stopped blinking...don't worry as it's an indicator that the batteries are dying and need replacing...
Thought i had a faulty box on mine at first but it was just those pesky button batteries...half an hour or so of blinking is kinda useless and again i wish that HT had found some way of working all the boxes from one switch using a couple of triple A's...
Anyways it's not a huge deal breaker but i'll definitely be looking into wiring them up to something better in the future...
View attachment 472994View attachment 472993
Vader helmet experts:
Is the helmet supposed to not be straight like this?
The beam thing that goes into the silver tusk? Both sides aren?t straight, even though they?re latched into the little holes. I checked the hot toys pics and they look straight but Justin?s collection video looks similar to mine.
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