Hot Toys "RoboCop (Battle Damaged Ver) & Alex Murphy Collectible Figures Set

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Re: Hot Toys, "RoboCop (Battle Damaged Ver) & Alex Murphy Collectible Figures Set

Yeah, the new one gets credit for trying to be a good movie on its own merits. It isn't nearly as good as the original, it's more traditional and less risky, and I think it suffered from the casting of Murphy, but the action was generally good, the story was pretty good, and the acting was good overall with Keaton and Oldman doing fine jobs.

It would've been a decent movie if the original had never existed and, for me personally, there were more gore and profanity.
Re: Hot Toys, "RoboCop (Battle Damaged Ver) & Alex Murphy Collectible Figures Set

My only thing against this set is that in all honesty I think one of the worst aspects of the original Robocop is that Murphy's character development prior to becoming Robocop is really crappy. I mean he basically shows up to at the police station, gets called out on his first mission, gets shot to hell, and the next time we see him he's Robocop. Sure we get some brief flashbacks but really not much (the sequel actually did a better job expanding on Murphy the man if you ask me). I know it won't be a popular opinion but in all honesty I thought the remake did a much better job in making Murphy a sympathetic character. We saw a bit more of him as a regular man before becoming Robocop and also got to see how his wife and son reacted and struggled with what happens to him. In the original film it's like no one gives a crap and just use his body because he signed some paperwork or something.

I don't hate the film but I've always had some problems with it especially looking back on it now. I still might get this set though because it looks cool and it'd be nice to have the three very different versions of Robocop/Murphy on display.


Bale sucks.
Re: Hot Toys, "RoboCop (Battle Damaged Ver) & Alex Murphy Collectible Figures Set

Not sure why that's relevant but okay I guess?
Re: Hot Toys, "RoboCop (Battle Damaged Ver) & Alex Murphy Collectible Figures Set

SO...where them high-resolution pics at?
Re: Hot Toys, "RoboCop (Battle Damaged Ver) & Alex Murphy Collectible Figures Set

:lol I'm not saying its better but I think it stands on its own pretty well and I can appreciate some of the different approaches it took. To me the remake seemed like it was telling a similar story in the same world, but for a remake it at least seemed like it was trying to put some effort into being something similar but not an exact clone of the original. I sort of respect that and think a lot of people unfairly judged the remake just because they love the original. I like the original a lot too, although I'm not a diehard fan admittedly.

I actually liked it on my cinema viewing. I just haven't felt compelled to rewatch it since. I'll give it another go though. My favourite stuff was Oldman and Keaton chewing up the scenery.
Re: Hot Toys, "RoboCop (Battle Damaged Ver) & Alex Murphy Collectible Figures Set

Bottom line, this movie didn't need to be remade. A new version should not exist. 25 years from now people will most likely not be pumped about a figure from the remake. The original Robocop has stood the test of time.
Re: Hot Toys, "RoboCop (Battle Damaged Ver) & Alex Murphy Collectible Figures Set

I actually liked it on my cinema viewing. I just haven't felt compelled to rewatch it since. I'll give it another go though. My favourite stuff was Oldman and Keaton chewing up the scenery.
Yeah Oldman was fantastic as usual if you ask me. It was also definitely fun to see Keaton again but I sort of wish he had a bit more to do. He was the main villain but still felt somewhat underused to me.
Re: Hot Toys, "RoboCop (Battle Damaged Ver) & Alex Murphy Collectible Figures Set

A HT Anne Lewis would seriously test my RoboCop fandom.

I'd rather they made Lewis than Murphy. Wouldn't have happened, of course, but in a display sense it makes much more sense than putting Murphy with Robocop.
Re: Hot Toys, "RoboCop (Battle Damaged Ver) & Alex Murphy Collectible Figures Set

Yeah Oldman was fantastic as usual if you ask me. It was also definitely fun to see Keaton again but I sort of wish he had a bit more to do. He was the main villain but still felt somewhat underused to me.

He seemed to take a very sudden evil turn. Up until he decided to destroy Robocop he didn't seem like such a bad guy. Then suddenly he's willing to shoot Murphy's wife just to taunt him as I recall? Anyway, better not discuss it here.
Re: Hot Toys, "RoboCop (Battle Damaged Ver) & Alex Murphy Collectible Figures Set

But that's the point, cops in Old Detroit are expendable, due to lack of funding and OCP's shenanigans. Murphy's at Metro West for barely a half-hour when the rest of the force learns that a fellow cop didn't survive his injuries. And then he winds up on the slab several hours later.

Murphy would've been just another statistic had it not been for a go-getter like Bob Morton.

Yup. It's not like Murphy is a "somebody" before he becomes Robocop. Again, he's an everyman.

I'm also pretty sure that Boddicker was killing cops left and right for **** Jone's plan, ironically. For OCP and the Oldman's Delta City vision to be a reality, the cops needed to be obsolete, so this meant killing them off and showing Detroit that the Police Department couldn't handle crime and they needed the likes of ED-209. The original opening for the film actually had Frederickson and the other officers on patrol. Clarance and the gang single them out and kill them, spray painting numbers on them for a cop death toll tally. Then the film would open as it does with the news report.

So in a twist of fate, this plan that **** Jones is having Boddicker carry out actually inspires Robocop, which kills them both.
Re: Hot Toys, "RoboCop (Battle Damaged Ver) & Alex Murphy Collectible Figures Set

What else do we need to know about Murphy in Robocop that isn't revealed to us? Nothing. The only expansion of character we get in Robocop 2 is that he was Irish/Catholic and his wife is disturbed by Robocop's stalking. Ok? What else do we need to know?

We're introduced to Murphy plenty. He's an everyman, he transferred to this new Detroit station, it's his first day, his kid looks up to him and he's practicing his pistol twirl because of TJ Lazer (which has a huge impact on Robo's psyche). What else should we know? You sympathize with the character because he gets blown to bits in the most brutal and violent way. That's the point. Once he's Robocop, then we get to see more of Murphy's background (the house, the memories, his wife), because, well Robocop = Murphy, albeit a newly resurrected Murphy. When Robo is moving through the house and they go through the Halloween memory, that strikes a cord with me. It's sad and a great scene.

The only issue I have with the first film is how Anne Lewis and Murphy act once they reach Clarance's hideout at the abandoned mill. They're ****ing idiots not waiting for back up and they look like they're playing laser tag the way they carry their guns and hold themselves when they move in on them. :lol

I pretty much agree with all of this. And Murphy and Lewis' tactics in the old mill are pretty much my one issue as well. Not because they didn't wait for backup (which seems to rarely come in Old Detroit) but that they so casually split up. "Stay in touch?" Seriously? How about stay the hell together. It's two against six for crying out loud, why risk making it one against six?

I just attribute it to a false sense of bravado since they were cocky over having the whole gang on the run from them.
Re: Hot Toys, "RoboCop (Battle Damaged Ver) & Alex Murphy Collectible Figures Set

"Stay in touch?" Seriously? How about stay the hell together. It's two against six for crying out loud, why risk making it one against six?

The two of them pretty much deserved what happened to them.

It's also pretty stupid how Anne Lewis is subdued by looking at Joe's ****.
Re: Hot Toys, "RoboCop (Battle Damaged Ver) & Alex Murphy Collectible Figures Set

I wonder how many of the 30-some cops that died prior to the beginning of the movie were ex-partners of Lewis. "Let's do it. Bye!"
Re: Hot Toys, "RoboCop (Battle Damaged Ver) & Alex Murphy Collectible Figures Set

Man those 1988 sculpts were better than the 2007 Hot Toys one.
Re: Hot Toys, "RoboCop (Battle Damaged Ver) & Alex Murphy Collectible Figures Set

The two of them pretty much deserved what happened to them.

It's also pretty stupid how Anne Lewis is subdued by looking at Joe's ****.

I cant believe how easy she was taken out, she gets hit once and falls a little. Then she doesn't do anything to help
when he's getting shot up.
Re: Hot Toys, "RoboCop (Battle Damaged Ver) & Alex Murphy Collectible Figures Set

Still can't believe they are putting this out, $450-$550, I don't care
Re: Hot Toys, "RoboCop (Battle Damaged Ver) & Alex Murphy Collectible Figures Set

Look how far we've come.

View attachment 138679

Okay...for anyone griping about sideshows earlier stuff. ....this and the first aliens figures show both companies have evolved.

I just watched the robocop remake this weekend and reccomnd it. Not as much cheesy fun as original, but can stand on its own merrits (and Sam Jackson.) Much better then total recall remake