Vader is theoretically a tall character, so Anakin is about accurate. And yeah, the consensus has always been that the stock robe for Anakin is basically crap. Lol.
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Good to know about the throne. I have the deluxe on order. I may keep it and use the hands, lightning and inner robe on my custom Palps and make a custom ROTS Palps out of the sculpt. I think it suits him in that movie a lot more than ROTJ.
The Emperor's robe is looking a little short there too. Hopefully it's possible to pull down a bit further.
Vader is theoretically a tall character, so Anakin is about accurate. And yeah, the consensus has always been that the stock robe for Anakin is basically crap. Lol.
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Yeah as awesome as it looks in Toys' pics (always love those hi-res pics,) this sculpt "feels" more ROTS than ROTJ to me. Not sure exactly what it is.
There was something subtly different about the way they went about the ROTS make-up that this sculpt seems to capture vs the way he looks in ROTJ. Maybe also that the expression is well done, but also a bit off in some way for ROTJ Palps - not quite nailing any one of the iconic expressions he had in ROTJ (I think that's where the "drunk" and "****" comments are coming from.)
It's not a bad thing because ROTS Palps does look cool in some scenes. People earlier also said this figure looks like the video game Palps - but again, that Palps looks pretty cool also. So even though it doesn't quite nail ROTJ Emperor (for reasons its hard to put your finger on,) its still an amazing sculpt with a well-done Palps-like smile that also brings to mind the best of the cooler non-ROTJ Palpies.
I actually don't mind the slightly short robes on Palps and the guards because HT has done such a stellar job on the boots - nice to show them. The HT Ben boots are amazingly well done and yet you really can never see them.
What's also kind of fascinating as a fan is that via these figures, you get to see these parts of the actual costume that were never (or partly) visible on screen. Ben's boots are a good example, as are Palps' boots.
That being said, Palps' boots dangling above the floor like a little kid on a toilet when he's on the throne is definitely a bit silly looking. Hopefully the robes can cover the boots and stretch to the floor for that display option.
I think the idea was that when he got all limbless the new robot limbs made him that tall. I don't recall thinking Hayden Anakin was all that tall, and people at the time were wondering how a regular height skinny teen became this giant hulking figure in the black suit.
But yeah, the Emperor is about a head shorter than Vader in ROTJ, so the proportion is correct in terms of who Ani becomes.
He's short, maybe even more than a full head since that helmet is large also.
This reminds me of the Jedi Luke is too short conversation a few weeks back...
Vader is huge .....not as huge as the SSC version suggest....but damn big.
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You can have all the measurements you want, ain't going to change the fact that Emp will have to slouch pretty damn low to get his feet on the floor.
He may need a pillow.
I'm more interested in how much I can stretch the robes to get them to hide the fact that his feet can't touch the floor.
Here's a measurement: how far from seat to floor vs. how far from knee to sole?
No mean total depth of the throne (front to back) to see if it'll fit in my display.
Many have been asking for details. Unfortunately doesn't seem like anyone is interested in doing this.
This is what my wip custom Emps is working out to height wise. I think it works with ANH Vader pretty well.
View attachment 428514
I've got Tarkin set up in his chair.. He has to sit fairly foward to get his feet on the shelf. So the thrones depth is definately going to create problems trying to pose the emperor. Scaled accessories can really miss the mark..
looks great cocoboloboy. I`m going to use my custom sculpt as well.
Nice! Who's that custom sculpt from?