Nerf Herder
I'm sure I will!
Apart from eBay where can I get one for a somewhat reasonable price?
Is there any difference between this body and the short trooper body? Other than the helmet adapter?
Neck post and peg seem to be actually a touch shorter; but then there's the limbs. I haven't stripped this one down but they seem to hang differently.
Got to say I'm fairly tempted to buy this on e-bay. The cool helmet almost seems worth it. When does the madness end?
People were flipping this figure and criticising it a few months ago.
They will not offer a twin pack. HT can charge more money selling each individually. There is no reason to sell them together now.
I can see why. Personally, this just doesn't interest me UNLESS they also come out with Stormtrooper Han. I would love to pose both of them with Leia/Chewy to recreate that trash compactor scene.
Ughh, just bought it for $325.00 on Ebay, What have I become?