1/6 Hot Toys - Star Wars Episode IV - 1/6th scale Luke Skywalker in Stormtrooper Disguise

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I'm glad I picked this guy up. Waiting on Han Stormie then I can convert my version back to ANH Trooper and post him back up next to Vader. Wish they'd release the ANH 2 pks again.
yeah I know I don't order to much from over seas as the shipping prices sometime scare me away. but that was the good deal at the time when I got him. looks good next to my custom han stormtrooper which I have to take a photo of them together soon.
Howard ought to be flogged the amount of time between the two

I fear that Hot Toys might be in way too deep into the Star Wars line. With all the OT characters we are still waiting on to the Rogue One, the Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, Han Solo movie etc, I fear that our selection of figures will be pretty slim and hopefully the quality doesn't suffer.
They just need to be more selective on what they produce. They cannot (and I do not think they will) Dive 6 versions deep into troops just because they can add an accessory and pop out another release. At some point there are diminishing returns on everything and for most collectors there are finite pieces that need made.

I am of the camp they should shoot for coverage of the mainstay characters and quality and not be so concerned on how deep they go for every line. If there is only one character worth making then that is fine with me. Rogue one figures are not going to sell out fast outside of the OT flavor Darth and Stormtroopers (maybe K2SO since it is a robot and highly custom to make). The Last Jedi and Han Solo movies most likely will follow suit with few sell outs. The pieces selling best are from the OT inspired and that's where the money is for collectors willing to purchase their products. They also have to watch for the pieces Sideshow has produced not to over saturate certain characters or redo something that was recently made by them as well.

Its a balancing act but given how lucrative the license is they will definitely continue to produce the line and in my opinion at high quality.
Did anyone just make their own TK-421 using a short stormtrooper and a parted-out belt or the exclusive Farmboy Luke belt? I have an extra commlink holding hand if anyone needs one.
Did anyone just make their own TK-421 using a short stormtrooper and a parted-out belt or the exclusive Farmboy Luke belt? I have an extra commlink holding hand if anyone needs one.

Is there any difference on those besides the flesh colored neck? I don't have the Shorty Trooper to compare.
and there is a difference between the two grappling hooks luke stormtroopers grappling hook you can pull out as it has a little thing that can contract the grappling back in. the luke farm boy exclusive version grappling hook does not come out
and there is a difference between the two grappling hooks luke stormtroopers grappling hook you can pull out as it has a little thing that can contract the grappling back in. the luke farm boy exclusive version grappling hook does not come out

I always found that strange since farmboy is the one that actually uses it. I guess it is a reason to get both :lol
I picked one up from an eBay purchase in the UK which arrived this morning. I've never noticed before on the promo images but is he looking ever so slightly to the right on his head sculpt? I noticed that Han is looking slightly to the left and I wonder if this was intentional so then can be displayed opposite each other with heads slightly tilted towards the viewer?
Reviving this thread.

I passed on this figure last year due to expenses. I regret it. Fortunately, my friend was able to find me a brand new item at a good price. Should be with me by next week. Can't wait for this.