1/6 Hot Toys - Star Wars: The Mandalorian - Kuiil

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This looks great. Hopefully he actually goes up for order.

Would love to see HT do more aliens/etc... pipe dreams would be Cad Bane and Savage.
Yet SS chose to re-release Grievous rather than, say, Greedo...why?

Because an HT Grievous is not far off?

Could also be the opposite. A Hot Toys Greedo is in the works but Grievous is not.

Not saying Hot Toys is working on Greedo. But who knows. They should be. There's definitely a demand there considering the crazy prices for Sideshow's version. And they'll eventually run out of Lukes and Leias to do.
Kuiil is the Blurrg seller though. Most people who want Mando V1 already have him. And not many want a standalone Blurrg. If this is HT logic, it's flawed.

Mando V1 is really sought after. It was like a $350 figure, so this was a way to get him out there again without a straight re-issue. It's a huge step up though for anyone who really wants it though. And a Blurrg isn't an easy item to sell after the fact; I don't think the set will sell as well as they think if they're using it to lure people who want the V1.

Kuili is the sole reason why that Blurrg is sold separately. It is a tactic to incite people to buy both OG Mando/Blurrg + this Kuili with another Blurrg. 100% he is coming. Unless KK is somehow manage to interfere with the approval process :lol.

The solo Blurrg is available if you already had the Mando V1 after seeing the Mando+Blurrg set. I'm not betting on Kuiil coming up for order anytime soon. It would've made sense to do it during the same week if they were going to.
Mando V1 is really sought after. It was like a $350 figure, so this was a way to get him out there again without a straight re-issue. It's a huge step up though for anyone who really wants it though. And a Blurrg isn't an easy item to sell after the fact; I don't think the set will sell as well as they think if they're using it to lure people who want the V1.

The solo Blurrg is available if you already had the Mando V1 after seeing the Mando+Blurrg set. I'm not betting on Kuiil coming up for order anytime soon. It would've made sense to do it during the same week if they were going to.

$350 isn't that much aftermarket though. After fees and shipping you would clear $50 tops.

And it seems like nonsense to go to the trouble of making a freaking Blurrg AND a complete Kuiil prototype if you didn't intend to release him. But I'll definitely feel much better about it once preorder is official.
Yeah, this fig is cool as a fig because he's so unique, an alien and very SW - Mando himself is clearly evolving into the new Iron Man for HT.

The Blurrg I like but it is a somewhat goofy design vs something like the Dewback or Tauntaun. He looks like an oversized fish head glued onto a dino body. The Ewok movie origin doesn't help.:lol
The top 3 sellers at Sideshow are apparently Bad Batch and Ahsoka...

So you can see where we're going as far as Star Wars figures.

But we don't know if they would have still occupied the top spots if a Bespin Han was put on preoder.
Talibane ruins it.

It is as if the Blurrg was boooorn in Ewok sauce. Not hot, spiiicy.:lecture

